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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples -
W.D.S. |
August 1942
- At the center of a great tornado is a point of peace. Thus does the story go. It can be
found. And thus it is with all the storms of life. They lead to peace if you are not a
- Hold to your old established links and with your brothers walk. Walk as a group upon the
Lighted Way. The chain of Hierarchy firmly stands.
- The light that streams from out my Ashram is a part of the Lighted Way and on that
thread of light you move and with you move your brothers.
- Loneliness - such as you think you know - is but a glamor, brother of mine. You are not
alone. But loneliness such as you can know is a light that lights the darkness. Seek that
- Upon the pinnacle of loneliness is the sole peace where truth is known. Stand on that
pinnacle. [628]
- And when the truth is clearly seen (blowing away the cobwebs and the dust of lower life)
then can your service carry fresh truth to men.
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