- What constitutes a review?
- What, in my estimation, would constitute a reviewing of my day with the idea of Light
- In a review, am I asked to redo or re-experience, or should I assume the attitude of the
Onlooker, who stands "steady in the light?"
- Am I capable of learning to walk in the light and thus finally of achieving
- Can I see myself mentally as standing in the light of my soul and do I know the
meaning of steady reflection?
- If I use this review on light as it should be used, what will be the effect in my
life, and what will be the effect in the life of the group whom I serve?
- an I honestly say that I know how to stand aside as a personality and turn the light upon
the problems of my daily life? [199]
- or what reason do I want to walk in the light?
- Because I seek personal illumination? or
- Because I want to help in enlightening those around me?
- If this review work is a definitely scientific method of bringing about subjective
results with objective changes, what will these results and changes be?
What basis
can I find in my study work which would indicate that I could be illumined and thus
intensify my capacity for service and my increased usefulness upon the Path?
Is my progress upon the Path of importance? Why?
If it is true that the blind must advance by touching, but that those with sight
move by seeing, and by keeping free and unattached, why then, having sight, do I
not walk more definitely in the light?
Is my mind the organ of vision for the spiritual man, and am I offering this organ to
the higher self to use?
Can I hold the mind steady in the light?
As I review my day, what part has illumination played?
How do I define the phrase "light of the Soul"?
Light is a quality of the soul. In that light,
- Can I forget
the fragmentary personal self?
- Can I
recognize the one self in all selves?
We are told that there is an archetype, a pattern, a ray, a goal and a light which
shines from the Path. Realizing this, do I know anything of the freedom from worry which
should enlighten my way?
In what manner is the light reflected in my life?
Do I recognize my fellow pilgrims on the way of light?
Can I draw consciously upon the light when others need it?
I am the redeemer of the lower nature. In what manner does light aid this
Has there been one moment this day in which the light has poured through me?
The nature of the soul is light. Experience of this light is achieved
through mind control. What does mind control signify to me? [200]
By what problems and on what occasions is the light in me most easily evoked?
Have I brought light to others today?
If I did demonstrate light, did I do it consciously or did it just pour through
What activities and qualities of my lower nature need to be eliminated if the light is
to lighten my way?
What is the main hindrance to my enlightenment?
In what manner can I use the light in order to help my fellowmen?
In what way can I most truly serve my fellowmen?