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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - D.L.R. |
To D. L. R. July 1934 MY BROTHER AND FRIEND: I am asking you to work in this group of students and aspirants for two reasons: First of all, because, through this technique of instructions, you can receive some aid in the treading of the Path if you choose to avail yourself of what I may have to offer, and secondly, because your particular type of mind and your trained experience will give to this group that balancing factor and that patient stability which it needs. The group has passed through a crisis as a group. Certain of its members have likewise had peculiar testing and difficulties. These they have surmounted and from them they are learning the needed lesson. The subjective potency of what you have to give will help - if I may so express it - to bring the whole group up to par, and enable me more rapidly to integrate it, and fit it for an instrument for service. I begin this communication by stating this clearly, as the service you can render is to you of more value than the service that can be rendered to you. But the group and the training to which it subjects itself can give you much if you will try out the work for a year or so. [302] No attempt is made authoritatively to impose restrictions on the students and their work, and all can cease from the endeavor at any time. A third reason for my putting you into this group is to put you in touch subjectively, as well as on the physical plane, with D. H. B. as he and you make good travelling companions. This is but a suggestion and a hope to be tested out by both of you, if you so will. You have passed through one of those periods of quiet and of controlled inner growth which from time to time is part of the training of the disciple upon the Path. Now the fruit of that subjective experience, known only to you and to those who guide and watch the footsteps of all aspirants, must work out in exoteric service, rendered progressively on each of the three planes until it emerges into fruitful action on the physical plane. Bear this in mind as you attempt to work with this group of my disciples; make your mental rapport first, then your astral contact and leave the physical plane expression to take care of itself, for the lines it will take will depend upon the inner continuity of contact, and upon your sensitive subjective realization. This will take time, my brother. But there is no hurry in the realm of the soul. The meditation work to be done by you should be for a while dynamically extroverted. I use these two words because they express the process to be followed by you for the next few months. Should you care to do so, I would suggest the following breathing exercise, to be followed by the meditation process below. All the work done should be controlled by the consciousness, centered and held steady in the head... We will, at this time, refrain from using the highest head center in the breathing exercise, beyond recognizing it as the point from which you are working. The objective of this exercise is to integrate the three centers above the diaphragm, and so make the personality more magnetic, and more definitely responsive to the radiation of the soul. For your meditation work I suggest the following procedure:
Attempt this meditation once a day for the next few months as it will form the basis of the meditation which I can later give you. |
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