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Glamor - A World Problem - Certain Preliminary Clarifications |
As to the causes of this world condition, what can I say,
brother of mine, which will convey meaning to your minds? The cause lies far back in the
consciousness of the "imperfect Gods." Does that sentence really mean aught to
you? But little, I fear. We must descend into the realm of greater practicality and only
deal with the matter as far as it concerns humanity. Planetary illusion will later be
briefly dealt with, but the immediate problem before man and the significant contribution
of the disciple is the dissipation of much of the glamor in which mankind is immersed and
which, during the coming Aquarian Age, will largely disappear in connection with the
astral life of the race. The point I would here make is to call attention to the fact that
it is in meditation and in the technique of mind control that the thinkers of the world
will begin to rid the world of illusion. Hence the increasing interest in meditation as
the weight of the world glamor is increasingly [23] realized, and hence the vital
necessity for right understanding of the way of mind control. Another point which should be noted is that in the crystallization of this material age comes the great opportunity to strike a deadly blow on the planetary Dweller on the Threshold. The reaction at this time, through the stress of circumstances, is bringing about a more spiritual understanding and a reorganization of human values, and this is part of the process whereby a vital part of the world glamor may be dissipated - if only all men of goodwill within the world aura adhere to their appointed task. When the Buddha was on Earth and achieved illumination, He "let in" a flood of light upon the world problem through His enunciation of the Four Noble Truths. His body of disciples and His nine hundred arhats formulated those four great truths into a structure of dogma and doctrine that - by the power of collective thought - has greatly helped in the attack upon the world illusion. Today the Christ is carrying forward the same great task and in the spiritual significance of His imminent Coming (and in the language of symbolism) He and His nine thousand arhats will strike a second blow at the world glamor. It is for this that we prepare. Only the intuition can dispel illusion and hence the need of training intuitives. Hence the service you can render to this general cause by offering yourselves for this training. If you can overcome glamor in your own lives and if you can, therefore, comprehend the nature of illusion you will help in
This you have to do in your own lives and in the group relation. Then your more general contribution will help in the wider human issues. The acuteness of the intellect, and the illumination of the mind, plus love and intention will accomplish much. To this service, I reiterate my call. During the next few months I would suggest that you do three things:
That we may all go forward into greater light and understanding, and that the light may shine upon the vertical Way of the disciple is my prayer and aspiration for you. [26] |
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