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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter VII - The Use of Color and Sound |
Some Remarks on Color Now we must go to work. The subject for our consideration this evening is of profound and complicated interest. This seventh letter of mine has to do with the use of color and sound in meditation. We have, as you know, dealt a good deal with the subject of sound in our earlier letters, both in studying the use of the Sacred Word, and in the study of forms and mantrams. It is a truism to say that sound is color and color is sound, yet so it is, and the topic I really seek to bring to your attention is not so much sound as sound, but the color effects of sound. I seek to emphasize especially the color aspect in this letter, begging you to remember always that all sounds express themselves in color. When the Logos uttered the great cosmic Word for this solar system, three major streams of color issued forth, breaking almost simultaneously into another four, so giving us the seven streams of color by which manifestation becomes possible. These colors are:
Not unwittingly have I placed them in this order but the exact significance is left for you to discover. I want to emphasize a second thought: These seven streams of color were the product of logoic meditation. The Logos meditated, brooded, conceived mentally, formed an ideal world, and built it up in thought matter. Then our objective universe flashed into being, radiant with the seven colors, with the deep blue or indigo for synthetic undertone. Therefore certain things can be posited about color:
I would here seek to put your mind at rest on the point as to whether the colors enumerated by me conflict with those enumerated by H. P. B. You will not find they [207] do, but both of us use blinds, and both of us use the same blinds as those who have eyes can see. A blind is not a blind when recognized, and I offer not the key. One or two hints however I may give:
Blue-indigo, being cosmically related, and not simply analogous, may be used interchangeably for purposes of blinding. Let me illustrate: The Lords of the Flame, in their work in connection with this planet, may be spoken of in terms of four colors:
I give the above illustration to demonstrate to you the great complexity involved by the use of blinds, yet also to show you that for those who have the seeing eye even the choice of these blinds is not arbitrary, but subject to rule and law. It is therefore obvious to you why it is so often emphasized that in dealing with esoteric matters lower manas helps not. Only he who has the higher vision in process of development can hope to attain any measure of accurate discrimination. Just as the green of the activity of Nature forms the basis of the love aspect, or the indigo vibration of this love system, so will it be found upon the mental plane. More may not be said, but food for thought lies here. Orange also holds the secret for the Sons of Mind, and in the study of flame (which even exoterically blends all the colors) comes illumination. In studying this question of color and sound in meditation how best shall we divide our vast subject? Let us consider it under the following heads:
Under these five heads we should be able to sum up all that has to be said at present. Perhaps little that I may say will be fundamentally new, for I give not aught which may not be found in that foundation book of H. P. B.'s. But in a newer presentation, and in the aggregation of material under one head may come enlightenment, and a further wise adjustment of knowledge. We will take up these five divisions later. Tonight I will only add a few further points to those already given. Colors as manifested on the physical plane show at their crudest and harshest. Even the most exquisite of shades as seen by the physical eye is hard and harsh compared to those on the emotional plane, and as the finer matter of the other planes is contacted, the beauty, the softness and the exquisite quality of the different hues grow with each transition. When the ultimate and synthetic color is reached the beauty transcends all conception. Colors - such as we have now to do with in evolution - are the colors of light. Certain colors, which are the left-overs from the previous solar system, have been seized upon as modes of expression by that mysterious something which we call "cosmic evil" (in our ignorance so we term it). They are involutionary colors, and are media for the force of the Dark Brotherhood. With them the aspirant to the Path of Light has naught to do. They are such hues as brown, grey, the loathsome purple, and the lurid greens that are contacted in the dark places of the earth, on the emotional plane, and on the lower level of the mental plane. They are negations. Their tone is lower than the note of Nature. They are the offspring [210] of night, esoterically understood. They are the basis of glamor, of despair, and of corruption, and must be neutralized by the pupil of the Great Ones by the admission of the colors connected with light.
Certain colors belong more exclusively to the human Hierarchy, others to the deva. In their ultimate blending and intermingling comes eventual perfection... |
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