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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter VIII - Access to the Masters via Meditation |
1. Sanctified Service This is the method of the man who wields the law, the method of the occultist, and the rudiments of the method are laid down in raja-yoga... [283] The word "sanctification," as you know, in the basic sense signifies the complete surrender of the whole being to one object, the Lord or Ruler. It means the giving wholly to the one the devotee aspires to. It means the consecration of the whole threefold man to the work in hand. It entails, therefore, the application of the entire time and self to the bringing of each body under the subjugation of the Ego, and the complete mastery of each plane and subplane. It involves the comprehension of each evolution and form of divine life as found on those planes and subplanes, with one aim in view and only one - the furthering of the plan of the Hierarchy of Light. The method followed is that of the intensest application to the work of rounding out the bodies and of making them fit instruments for service. It is perhaps the hardest way that a man can tread. It leaves no department of the life untouched. All is brought under law. In meditation therefore the form of that meditation will be a threefold structure:
See you therefore the synthesis of it? First the strenuous one-pointedness that is the sign of the occultist blended with the wisdom and love which are reflected from the higher in the mirror of the emotional body, and then the intellect forced to act as the servant of the Ego through one-pointed effort animated by love and wisdom. The result will be the true Yogi. I would point out here that the true Yogi is he who, after due carrying out of the set forms and times of meditation, merges that meditation in the everyday living, and will eventually be in the attitude of meditation all the day. [285] Meditation is the means whereby the higher consciousness is contacted. When the contact becomes continuous, meditation, as you understand it, is superseded. In this first method the occult student works from the periphery to the center, from the objective to the subjective, from the form to the life within the form. Therefore through the emphasis laid in Raja Yoga on the physical body and its wise control the occultist realizes the essential importance of the physical, and the uselessness of all his knowledge apart from a physical body whereby he can express himself and serve the race. It is the line of the first ray, and its affiliated or complementary ray. |
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