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The Destiny of the Nations - The Influence of the Rays Today |
Third: the major energy upon which we shall touch here is that
of intelligent activity - the potency of the third ray. This finds its expression
through the third major center on the planet; this center, we call Humanity. The evocation
of a loving intelligent response to the Shamballa impulse, stepped down by the Hierarchy,
is that to which this world center should respond. This is rapidly and, as I have told
you, satisfactorily, happening. A definite world effect is being produced and the New
Group of World Servers has given much aid in this. They have interpreted, explained and
assisted the processes of evoking the latent love in human beings which, in its initial
and unformed stages, exists in the form of an inchoate goodwill. I call this to your attention as the underlying, motivating idea behind all the work which you are called upon to do. I suggest, therefore, that you endeavor to see the three major ideologies with which you have perforce to deal in terms of the three efforts which are emanating from the three major planetary centers at this time: Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity. You will thus gain a more synthetic [22] viewpoint, and a deeper understanding of the slowly emerging world picture. Is it not possible that the ideologies which we have been discussing are the response - distorted and yet a definite and determined, sensitive reaction - to the energies playing upon humanity from the two higher major centers? I would like to suggest that the ideology which is embodied in the vision of the totalitarian states is an erroneous but clear-cut response to the Shamballa influence of will; that the ideology behind the democratic ideal constitutes a similar response to the universality which the love of the Hierarchy prompts it to express, and that communism is of human origin, embodying that ideology which humanity has formulated in its own right. Thus the three aspects of God's nature are beginning to take form as three major ideas and what we see upon the planet at this time are the distorted human reactions to spiritual impulses, emanating from three different centers, but all equally divine in their essential natures, and in their essences. Ponder on this. I have brought this to your attention and discussed these basic modern schools of thought because the potency of their idealism is affecting every person, capable of thought, upon the planet. Not one of you is immune from their effects; not one of you but is inclined to range yourself upon one side or another, fighting furiously and under the cloak of so-called "adherence to principle" for what appeals to you. Most of you are, nevertheless, far more affected by the methods employed to materialize the ideas and by the quality of their exponents than you are by the ideas themselves. These you could hardly define if asked to do so. You are affected by their impact upon your emotional bodies (not your minds) after these divine impulses have filtered through from the Shamballa and the hierarchical centers [23] into and through the human center and have then been seized upon and applied to specific national, racial and political conditions. You are hardly at all affected by the pure idealism which gave them birth and which lies behind them as the motivating (though unrecognized) impulse. You cannot grasp or view these great mental trends as does the Hierarchy. Hence much of your confusion and your difficulty. |
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