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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section I - Introductory Remarks |
Seed Groups in the New Age July 1937 Earlier I gave you some thoughts anent the new groups which come into functioning activity under The Law of Group Progress. This law has a peculiarly close relation to the new Aquarian Age. (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. II (Esoteric Psychology), Pages 174-194.) Groups have always existed in the world, as for instance the family group unit, but they have been predominantly third ray groups with, therefore, a dominant outer expression and control, and originating as the result of desire. [27] Their focus has been outstandingly material, and that has been part of the intended plan. Right objectivity and expression has been the goal, and still is, of the evolutionary process. But the groups now forming are a second ray activity and are building groups - building the forms of expression in the new age. They are not the result of desire, as the term is usually understood, for they are founded basically on a mental impulse. They are subjective in fact and not objective in nature. They are distinguished by quality more than by form. That they may eventually produce potent objective effects is to be desired and such is their intent in our minds, but - at the present stage which is that of germination - they are subjective and (occultly speaking) they are "working in the dark." At some distant date, groups will emerge which will be first ray groups, animated by the will aspect and consequently still more subjective in nature and more esoteric in origin, but with these we need not concern ourselves. These seed groups are embryonic and therefore, like germinating seeds, their activity is at present dual. Every seed demonstrates its life by putting out two outward evidences of its internal life and activity, and these seed groups are no exception to this universal law. Their activity is evidenced in a relation to the Hierarchy and their relation to each other. Not yet have they succeeded in emerging into outer plane activity. Their inner life is not adequately strong, but they are, as says the scripture, "taking root downwards" in order to "bear fruit upwards." Should these groups develop as intended, should the corporate life of the members persist in right integral relation and should continuance be their keynote, then these seed groups , tiny as they may be, will come to flower, and - through an eventual "scattering of the seed," succeed finally in "covering the earth with verdure." I am speaking here in the language of symbolism which is, as you well know, the language of truth. One small plant which, in its turn, succeeds in producing a seed, through rightful fruition can thus reproduce itself in multiple order. Be not therefore [28] unduly impressed by the smallness of the effort. A tiny seed is a potent force - if duly tended, rightly nurtured and ripened by sun and water within the soil - its potencies are unpredictable. Certain germ ideas are emerging into the human consciousness. These differ peculiarly from those of the past, and it is these widely different ideas which are the distinctive characteristics of the new age, the Aquarian Age. Hitherto the great ideas which succeeded finally in controlling a race in any age have been the gift of the intuitive sons of men to their generation. Advanced human beings have then seized upon the intuited idea, subordinated it to the process of mentation, made it desirable, and then have seen it come into being through the "agency of recognition," as it is occultly called. One illumined mind would sense the divine idea, needed for the growth of the racial consciousness, and then would give it form; the few would recognize it and thus foster its growth; the many would eventually desire it and it then could manifest experimentally and sporadically all over the civilized world of any age, wherever culture of any kind made itself felt. Thus the idea was manifested. Two ways in which these determining ideas in the past came into being and played their part in leading the race onward might be mentioned.
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