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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
The Hidden Source of the Outer Turmoil January 1939 Another angle from which the world situation can be viewed with profit is to look for the hidden source of the outer turmoil. This is seldom what men think it is, for the source lies in the realm of energies and forces. As I explained elsewhere (The Destiny of the Nations, Pages 3-47), there are three great streams of energy working powerfully in the world at this time and two others are also struggling for expression, making the five that - together - will determine the trend of world affairs. To repeat briefly: 1.
The first and the most powerful force is that pouring into the world from Shamballa, the
planetary center where the Will of God is known. Only twice in our planetary [72] history
has this Shamballa energy made its presence felt directly: the first time, when the
great human crisis occurred at the individualization of man in ancient Lemuria; the second
time, in Atlantean days in the great struggle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of
Material Form, also called the Dark Forces. Today, this force streams out from the Holy
Center; it embodies the Will aspect of the present world crisis and its two subsidiary
effects or qualities are: The Shamballa force is so new and so unrecognized that it is hard for humanity to know
it for what it is - the demonstration of the beneficent Will of God in new and
potent livingness. 2. The second major force which is potently making itself felt today is that of the spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary center where the Love of God holds sway, as it swings into one of its major cyclic approaches to the earth. The problem before the Hierarchy at this time is so to direct and control all five of the powerful energies that the Divine Plan can materialize, and the close of this century see the Purpose of God for humanity assuming right direction and proportion. 3. Humanity itself is the third major planetary center through which one of the three divine aspects, Intelligence, is expressing itself, producing its world effects. These three centers are closely interrelated and must be thought of as expressions of divine livingness, as embodying three stages in the unfoldment of God's Plan, and as constituting the three major centers - Head, Heart, Throat - in the body of the One in Whom we live and move and [73] have our being. Students can relate these three centers to the three solar systems, referred to in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. In the first solar system, the center which is Humanity was prepared and the principle of intelligence came into manifestation. In the second solar system, the Hierarchy of Love made its appearance and must come into full manifestation, thereby enabling the love of God to be seen. In the next solar system, the center which we today call Shamballa, will manifest the Will aspect of Deity intelligently through love. It is interesting to note that it is only through human beings, that these three centers ever come into true functioning activity; and likewise that the three major ideologies (the totalitarian, the democratic, the communistic) may be the response - distorted and yet responsive - to the forces playing from the two higher centers on to the human. This we discussed earlier (The Destiny of the Nations, Page 22). Those of you who are seeking to serve humanity and to join in the Hierarchical effort to bring healing to a world in pain, must learn to penetrate behind appearances, behind the methods and schemes, the results and effects on the physical plane and endeavor to contact the forces of Shamballa or of the Hierarchy, plus the human need which has produced these modes of expression and thus see them for what they are - not worn out systems and childish efforts at improvement but embryonic plans whereby, eventually, may come release and the culture and civilization of the New Age. If you are seeking to bring illumination into the dark places of the earth (which means into the minds of men), then you must yourselves see clearly and relate the abstract and the concrete in such a manner that, in your own lives, a working idealism may be seen; only so can a working idealism of a national, racial and human nature also be seen. The head as well as the heart must be used, and this many earnest people are apt to forget. Can you possibly work at high tension in this endeavor - a tension produced by the interrelation of the head and the heart, working out creatively through the [74] throat center, esoterically understood? In this last sentence I have expressed for disciples the nature of the effort they need to make. It is in the recognition of what is happening to mankind as a whole and behind the scenes, that the thinkers of the world and the new group of world servers can best serve; it is the unfoldment of the human consciousness in response to the presented conditions in any country or countries that is of moment; the "human state of mind" is just beginning to focus itself on the things that matter and to express itself in a living fashion. The thinkers and servers must learn to concentrate upon the awakening consciousness and not upon the superficial movements. This awakening goes on apace and, my brothers, satisfactorily. The form or forms may suffer but the intrinsic awareness of man is becoming, during this century, expressively divine. The two other forces which tend to increase the already prevalent tension in the world are: 4. The forces of materialism, streaming out into the three worlds from the so-called "Dark Forces" or Black Lodge, and from those groups of lives and workers which are the antithesis of the Great White Lodge. 5. The force emanating from that section of humanity which is found in every part of the world and which we call the Jewish people. What I say here has no specific reference to any individual; I am considering the world problem, centering around the Jews as a whole. These two forces greatly complicate the problem by which humanity and the Hierarchy are faced, but it should be remembered that they also produce that balancing which is ever needed for the production of right conditions. |
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