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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
Let me tell you something about the peace for which the
Hierarchy works and which the spiritually minded people of the world envisage even
whilst they fight, and for which they are ready to pay the ultimate price. Peace, when
it comes, will be the result of right world conditions and right human relationships. It
is an effect and not a cause; it is the effect of certain subjective attitudes which are
not yet present in the world on a sufficiently wide scale. Against these emerging
conditions Germany has assembled her potent war machine, after years of scientific and
planned preparation. Today the Allies stand waiting the opportunity for the final struggle
with that potent nation, prepared to institute afterwards those conditions which will
guarantee peace. There is no peace on the planet anywhere today. There is no peace in the
questioning hearts of those who are not actively sharing in the struggle against evil.
There is no peace in any field of human endeavor. It is not to be found in the economic
field, torn as it is by the conflict between labor and capital, and between great schools
of economic thought; it is not to be found in the religious field, where the struggle is
going on between authority (tainted with old world churchianity) and experimental
religion; it is not to be found in the social order, where class is ranged against class,
poor against rich, and man against his brother; it is certainly not in the political
field, where party strife controls and blinds the warring groups, hiding the wider vision
of world affairs and the needs of humanity as a whole. There is no peace, and peace will
not come through an applied and fanatical pacifism or through the loud talking and wishful
thinking of those who hate war and who at the same time swell the tide of conquest and
delay true victory by their violently uttered opposing views. I tell you that all nations hate and oppose war; even Germany, behind the imposed terror, shrinks in horror at what is being done. The same love of peace which inspires the ordinary pacifist inspires those who are today fighting [235] in order that peace may be the result of their sacrifice and the effect of the establishing of those right conditions which Germany is set to prevent. Yet many neutrally minded and pacifist people are unwilling to pay any price for what they profess so much to cherish. A complete refusal to fight on the part of the Allies and of those who are seeing with clarity the issues at stake would open the door to the world domination of the Forces of Materialism and Aggression. It is upon this that these evil forces count when they face the greatest neutral of all, the United States of America, and for which they are preparing as they disseminate their lying propaganda and plant their agents in every country and every state - preparatory to a peaceful conquest of a people who refuse sufficiently to value the spiritual issues at stake to take positive action. And we, the teachers on the inner side, who for aeons have aided in the preparation of humanity for the coming age of peaceful cooperation and brotherhood, see all this future hope imperilled. Aggression and the rape of peaceful nations go steadily forward, as nation after nation crumbles under the iron heel of Germany, grinding the peoples of the world and sweeping them into slavery on a scale of serfdom and cruelty that the world has never before seen. As those who sought to arrest German progress succumb to treachery and pain and desert their comrades, the machine of evil marches on; neutral nations, resting back upon their peaceful intent and the claims of civilization, are absorbed by the forces which impose the German demand for living space, and are thus denuded of liberty, of territory, and of all economic resources. And, at the same time, the greatest and most powerful neutral nation in the world arms for defence of its territorial rights, but refuses to arm for the defence of human liberty. Do I speak too strongly to those of you who are not participating in this planetary war? I speak with clarity because I seek to arouse you to the true issues whilst there is yet time. I seek to arrest in you the idea that the western hemisphere is the seat of all civilization, the custodian of [236] the best that there is in humanity, and that the spiritual future of humanity lies in the cherished land of liberty. Liberty is a thing of the human soul and is found throughout the entire human race. Civilization is a universal human right and not the prerogative of one nation. I tell you that humanity is everywhere spiritually minded and that the new race, the coming civilization, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world - the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda - a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making. The world of the future, of which men in all lands dream, is more than a possibility if men will shoulder their just responsibilities and together make it a fact in human experience. But such a world will not be possible for many long years if Europe goes down in the crash of battle and under the impact of the German war machine. It will emerge into realization when there are enough people in the world who think clearly, see the vision truly, act intelligently, and meet force with force, which is the only method which the forces of aggression can understand. |
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