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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
At the same time, the forces of good are seeking to offset
this imposition of material selfishness and are now at bay with the issue still undecided
- except upon the mental plane. It has yet to work out as the triumph of good upon the
physical plane. When those who are not so drastically implicated in the present conflict
relinquish their selfishness, their prejudices and their interpretations and see the basic
duality of this conflict in its true light, they will throw the weight of their influence
increasingly on the side of goodwill and right human relations; then the bad karma which
they apparently placidly accept for others and reject for themselves will be changed into
the good karma which is the true destiny of humanity and will usher in the new era of joy
and of peace and spiritual synthesis - that synthesis which we call brotherhood. It is because of the delay in right understanding, and the slowness of many to appreciate the true situation, that Those Who guide the race and work on the spiritual side of life have been unable to do much up to date except spiritually strengthen the hands of the workers with the Forces of Light. The faith of many has kept the door ajar, yet even these have forgotten frequently that "faith without works is dead." It is only when faith finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice (even unto death) that the door can be forced wide open and divine intervention become possible. It is only when the vision and dream of peace - which beguiles so many well-meaning people - gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical [257] ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth. Curiously enough, they are often hindered today by the idealists, who love their ideals more than they love humanity and who cling to their special interpretations of what they think Christ meant, at the same time excluding that real love which characterized His every act and which would drive them into active, selfless service to the Forces of Light. They do nothing to bring the conflict to an end because they are preoccupied with their own dreams, ideals and interpretations; when they can let these go because of love of humanity, then the new vision will come and the world will be saved; the Forces of Light will find potent expression and the forces of aggression will go down to defeat. Given, therefore, an eventual fusing of vision and physical plane activity (the major need at this time), what form is it possible for the hoped-for divine intervention to take? I make no prophecies. All that I seek to show is that the blocking or hindrance is to be found today on the side of humanity. It does not lie on the side of the forces of light, life and love; it is not to be found on the side of Christ and His disciples or of the Masters of Wisdom, as these (under diverse names) constitute the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. Call Them by what name you choose, the most cherished belief of humanity is that there exists in the world always and for ever a hidden Reality, Those Who have conquered death, Who possess illimitable powers to help, and Who can be reached by prayer and invocation. It is the potency and grasp of things material and the fact of undivided focus upon the physical plane that has given the forces of aggression so much success up to the present time. These forces, through their very potency, have fused and blended together a group of seven men who personify in themselves great and specific aspects of material forces (connected with the seven types of energy in their lowest and most material expressions) and their manifestations - war, fear and cruelty. They are united by one point [258] of view and by one goal, and hence their success. (It is interesting that, again in their case, there appears inevitably an initiatory seven - the base and dark parallel of the initiating Seven who lead human beings into light and who are symbolized in the seven Masons who constitute a Lodge of Masons.) They are the custodians of forces which control them and over which they themselves have no slightest control. You ask who these seven are: Hitler, von Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and Streicher - names well-known to you all. These men embody and personify the forces of aggression and rule by fear not only the enslaved nations but also their few allies who are not by any means in the same category of power - fortunately for them. When those who are on the side of the Forces of Light and of non-aggression can see their goal with equal clarity and are equally and uniformly united with the objective of ending oppression and slavery and of freeing humanity, then we shall see also an embodiment of spiritual force which will bring disaster to these potent seven. Such a unification of objective and of purpose is possible and needed; and when it does take place, the force generated and the power let loose upon the physical plane will be of so stupendous a nature that human liberation will rapidly be brought about. |
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