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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization |
The study of this Science of Applied Purification is
one which is engrossing the attention of all the ashrams at this time; disciples in
the first ray ashram, in the second ray ashram and in the seventh ray ashram, are
peculiarly active along these lines, for the destruction of evil is the work of the first
ray, and in so destroying its effects purity is achieved; the fostering of good then
becomes possible and is the work of the second ray, of the Builders; and the bringing of
spiritual energy into contact with substance, and consequently with matter, is the unique
work of the seventh ray because it is now in manifestation. The rays which are active and
in manifestation at this time and in this cycle are there in conformity to the Plan and in
preparation for the externalization of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ.
These rays are particularly involved, and therefore the initiates and the disciples in the
ashrams of the Masters are also particularly implicated. The Science of Applied Purification is also the Science of Applied Energy, with the specific objective in view of "eliminating the undesirable and that which hinders the entrance of the light, and thus providing space and entry for the desired, for the good, the beautiful and the true". In the application of this science there is of course no infringement of the human prerogative of free will. This ancient science is concerned primarily with the purification and with the redemption of matter, and it is entirely in the hands of human beings, under the direction of the Hierarchy. This direction may be consciously or unconsciously registered. The Science of Redemption (to which I have several times earlier referred) is in reality the applied art of esotericism and of spiritual living which is already being taught to mankind; they are steadily learning to redeem the bodies through which they function. It is in reality the art or science of [694] relationship between the Life and the lives, as H.P.B. expresses it. As far as the other kingdoms in nature are concerned, the purification is applied by the Hierarchy, through the medium of human beings, and this can be seen in process at this time. This present activity, carried on now largely unconsciously, will be redoubled and carried forward consciously by trained initiates and disciples, working through and with aspirants. It is this that is now being studied in the various hierarchical ashrams, and when applied - after 1975 - will bring about great and important changes in world living. Another matter to which the Hierarchy is at this time attending, in view of the coming adjustments required, is the discovery of aspirants and those who are close to accepted discipleship in all lands, in order that the language problem will present little difficulty. Having discovered such people, Their next step is to subject them to a process of training in telepathic susceptibility, so that they will be sensitive to hierarchical impression. At the same time, their intuition will require stimulation but - as the intuition is useless and inaccessible without a high grade intelligence - all these people must be sought for upon mental levels. The possession of the abstract mind is not sufficient. It is useful, in that it guarantees the ability of the aspirant to construct the antahkarana; it is nevertheless quite possible to possess a well developed abstract consciousness and yet to be quite devoid of all intuitive perception. For example, this is the major limitation of Z...He is a sound abstract thinker and they are somewhat rare, being, usually impractical idealists. He is not, however, the least intuitive as yet. He could easily be - given certain needed surrenders. Basically speaking, the intuition is not the revealer of esoteric truths. They come along another line of spiritual perception. The intuition is essentially the organ of group perception and that which eventually elevates the personality to its rightful position as the agent of the Soul in the group. [695] Z...has a sound theory as to group attitudes and group work, and he will be exceedingly surprised at these comments of mine. But - as long as he insulates himself from warm group contacts and fails to seek (in the name of service) the love of the group, and as long as he fails to recognize error and his own part in any current mistakes whenever they occur, and as long as he transfers responsibility to others when he is himself to blame, he will fail to register intuitive information, because his personality reactions will intervene. He must not be deceived by the fact that people like him on the platform; that is group work, but not essentially working with the group. He must learn that at present he is the onlooker at the group and as yet not a part of it, and that he is primarily focused on "delivering the goods" (if I may use your American phrase) to his personality and its acclaim, and not to the group. This will be hard for him to realize and he must be given time. He wants to make good, spiritually and esoterically, but needs to grasp the fact that this is done through love and understanding and not through the intellect. He is insulated by his own strong desire to make good, according to his own theories and to his personality, thus proving to himself the grasp his soul may have over that personality. This creates barriers, but the insulating and separating wall between him and his co-workers is very thin and could easily be "rent in twain," if his pride would permit and if he would descend to a recognition of equality with all the group with whom he is associated, and with the most unimportant members of that group; this he does not yet do - in spite of what he believes about himself. |
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