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The Labors of Hercules - The Path of the Soul through the Zodiac |
The Crosses The subject of the Cross is too vast a one to be elucidated here. The cross within the circle is one of be most ancient of the world's symbols, antedating the Christian era by thousands of years. The cross is originally formed by the interplay between the twelve signs of the Zodiac. There are in the Zodiac thirty-six crosses, for each sign is divided into what are called three decanates, which used to be known as "the thirty-six crossing stars". The Zodiac is completed with 360 degrees, the square of 90 degrees is one fourth of the circle, creating the four corners, which is the cross within the circle. There are, however, three main crosses which in their symbology represent the three divine aspects, Spirit, Soul and Body. They are as follows: [222]
This is the cross of Spirit or of the initiate and it is interesting to note that the word "cardinal" comes from a Latin word meaning "the hinge of a door". The word "door" enters much into the concept of discipleship and it implies the period preparatory to passing through the door or gate of initiation. Here we have the idea of the door through which the Cosmic Christ passes at the end of the age when the heavens and the earth are dissolved and God's plans are consummated.
This is pre-eminently the cross of the soul and of real interest because it is the cross of the disciple Hercules. He personified these four signs, and was crucified upon this Fixed Cross. These four signs are regarded in our Christian belief as the Sacred Four and we find them presented to us in the four living creatures of the prophet Ezekiel. These four had the face of a man, Aquarius; the face of a lion, Leo; the face of an ox, Taurus; and the face of an eagle, Scorpio. Aquila, the Eagle is astrologically interchangeable with Scorpio. They are symbolized again in the four evangelists, and in the four beasts of Revelations. This cross is the cross of all world saviors, and the cardinal cross is that of Deity, crucified in the water of space.
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