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The Reappearance of the Christ - Chapter I - The Doctrine of Avatars |
An Avatar is one Who has a peculiar capacity (besides a
self-initiated task and a preordained destiny) to transmit energy or divine power. This
is necessarily a deep mystery and was demonstrated in a peculiar manner and in relation to
cosmic energy by the Christ Who - for the first time in planetary history, as far as we
know - transmitted the divine energy of love directly to our planet and in a most
definite sense to humanity. Always [7] too these Avatars or divine Messengers are linked
with the concept of some subjective spiritual Order or Hierarchy of spiritual Lives, Who
are concerned with the developing welfare of humanity. All we really know is that,
down the ages, great and divine Representatives of God embody divine purpose, and affect
the entire world in such a manner that Their names and Their influence are known and felt
thousands of years after They no longer walk among men. Again and again, They have come
and have left a changed world and some new world religion behind Them; we know also that
prophecy and faith have ever held out to mankind the promise of Their coming again amongst
us in an hour of need. These statements are statements of fact, historically proven.
Beyond this we know relatively few details. The word "Avatar" is a Sanskrit word, meaning literally "coming down from far away." Ava (as prefix to verbs and verbal nouns) expresses the idea of "off, away, down." Avataram, (comparative) farther away. The root AV seems at all times to denote the idea of Protection from above, and is used in compounds, in words referring to protections by kings or rulers; in regard to the gods, it means accepted favorably when a sacrifice is offered. With the result that the root word can be said to mean "Coming down with the approval of the higher source from which it came and with benefit to the place at which it arrives." (From Monier-Williams Sanskrit Dictionary.) All the world Avatars or Saviors, however, express two basic incentives: the need of God to contact humanity and to have relationship with men and the need of humanity for divine contact, help and understanding. Subject to those incentives, all true Avatars are therefore divine Intermediaries. They can act in this fashion because They [8] have completely divorced Themselves from every limitation, from all sense of selfhood and separativeness and are no longer - by ordinary human standards - the dramatic center of Their lives, as are most of us. When They have reached that stage of spiritual decentralization, They Themselves can then become events in the life of our planet; toward Them every eye can look and all men can be affected. Therefore, an Avatar or a Christ comes forth for two reasons: one, the inscrutable and unknown Cause prompts Him so to do, and the other is the demand or the invocation of humanity itself. An Avatar is consequently a spiritual event, coming to us to bring about great changes or major restorations, to inaugurate a new civilization or to restore the "ancient landmarks" and lead man nearer to the divine. They have been defined as "extraordinary men Who from time to time appear to change the face of the world and inaugurate a new era in the destinies of humanity." They come in times of crisis; They frequently create crises in order to bring to an end the old and the undesirable and make way for new and more suitable forms for the evolving life of God Immanent in Nature. They come when evil is rampant. For this reason, if for no other, an Avatar may be looked for today. The necessary stage is set for the reappearance of the Christ. |
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