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The Reappearance of the Christ - Chapter I - The Doctrine of Avatars |
The Avatars most easily known and recognized are the Buddha in
the East and the Christ in the West. Their messages are familiar to all, and the fruits of
Their lives and words have conditioned the thinking and civilizations of both hemispheres.
Because They are human-divine Avatars, They represent what humanity can easily understand;
because They are of like nature to us, "flesh of [11] our flesh and spirit of our
spirit," we know and trust Them and They mean more to us than other divine
Emergencies. They are known, trusted and loved by countless millions. The nucleus of
spiritual energy which each of Them set up is beyond our measuring; the establishing of
a nucleus of persistent energy, spiritually positive, is the constant task of an Avatar; He
focuses or anchors a dynamic truth, a potent thought-form or a vortex of magnetic energy in
the world of human living. This focal point acts increasingly as a transmitter of
spiritual energy; it enables humanity to express some divine idea and this in time
produces a civilization with its accompanying culture, religions, policies, governments
and educational processes. Thus is history made. History is after all only the record of
humanity's cyclic reaction to some inflowing divine energy, to some inspired leader, or to
some Avatar. An Avatar is at present usually a Representative of the second divine aspect, that of Love-Wisdom, the Love of God. He will manifest as the Savior, the Builder, the Preserver; humanity is not yet sufficiently developed or adequately oriented to the life of the Spirit to bear easily the impact of an Avatar Who would express the dynamic will of God. For us as yet (and this is our limitation) an Avatar is one Who preserves, develops, builds, protects, shields and succors the spiritual impulses by which men live; that which brings Him into manifestation is man's need and man's demand for preservation and help. Humanity needs love, understanding and right human relations as an expression of attained divinity. It was this need which brought the Christ to us before as the Avatar of Love. The Christ, that great human-divine Messenger, because of His stupendous achievement - along the line of understanding - transmitted to [12] humanity an aspect and a potency of the nature of God Himself, the love Principle of Deity. Light, aspiration, and the recognition of God Transcendent had been the flickering expression of the human attitude to God, prior to the advent of the Buddha, the Avatar of Illumination. Then the Buddha came and demonstrated in His Own life the fact of God Immanent as well as God Transcendent, of God in the universe and of God within humanity. The Selfhood of Deity and the Self in the heart of individual man became a factor in human consciousness. It was a relatively new truth to man. However, until Christ came and lived a life of love and service and gave men the new command to love one another, there had been very little emphasis upon God as Love in any of the world Scriptures. After He had come as the Avatar of Love, then God became known as love supernal, love as the goal and objective of creation, love as the basic principle of relationship and love as working throughout all manifestation towards a Plan motivated by love. This divine quality, Christ revealed and emphasized and thus altered all human living, goals and values. The reason He has not come again is that the needed work has not been done by His followers in all countries. His coming is largely dependent, as we shall later see, upon the establishing of right human relations. This the church has hindered down the centuries, and has not helped because of its fanatical zeal to make "Christians" of all peoples and not followers of the Christ. It has emphasized theological doctrine, and not love and loving understanding as Christ exemplified it. The Church has preached the fiery Saul of Tarsus and not the gentle Carpenter of Galilee. And so, He has waited. But His hour has now come, because of the people's need in every [13] land and because of the invocative cry of the masses everywhere and the advice of His disciples of all faiths and of all world religions. It is not for us yet to know the date or the hour of the reappearance of the Christ. His coming is dependent upon the appeal (the often voiceless appeal) of all who stand with massed intent; it is dependent also upon the better establishment of right human relations and upon certain work being done at this time by senior Members of the Kingdom of God, the Church Invisible, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet; it is dependent also upon the steadfastness of the Christ's disciples in the world at this time and His initiate-workers - all working in the many groups, religious, political and economic. To the above must be added what Christians like to call "the inscrutable Will of God," that unrecognized purpose of the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days (as He is called in The Old Testament) Who "knows His own Mind, radiates the highest quality of love and focuses His Will in His Own high Place within the center where the Will of God is known." When the Christ, the Avatar of Love, makes His reappearance then will the
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