Holy Wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation: extracted out of more than forty treatises by the Ven. F. Augustin Baker by Augustine Baker

Title: Holy Wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation: extracted out of more than forty treatises by the Ven. F. Augustin Baker
Author: Baker, Augustine

This is a "digital facsimile" edition of the book, consisting of PNG page images and converted text files that have not been proofread or corrected. The images have been reduced in size for viewing on the screen; the original scanned images are available in the "tif" directory.

Searching is possible but it will not find every instance of every word since the text has not been corrected. You are invited to type or correct pages of this book and submit them for inclusion in an eventual electronic text edition.

Print Basis:First published in this edition by London: New York: Burns & Oates; Benziger, 1876
Rights:Public Domain
Status:Digital facsimile edition
CCEL Subjects:All; Classic; Mysticism; Theology
LC Call no:BV5030
LC Subjects:

Practical theology

Practical religion. The Christian life


Title Page     Table of Contents   Search:


Other files available for Holy Wisdom: or, Directions for the prayer of contemplation: extracted out of more than forty treatises by the Ven. F. Augustin Baker

holy_wisdom.meta Bibliographic data for this book
holy_wisdom.pdb Palm Docbook file [775 KB]
holy_wisdom.thm Theological Markup Language -- base version [1562 KB]
holy_wisdom.txt Text file [1450 KB]
holy_wisdom.zip [709 KB]
holy_wisdom1.txt Text file [1535 KB]
home.html HTML file Home Page
wisdom.rtf Word processor file [1749 KB]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on August 28, 2001.
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