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I Cor. xv. 47, 48.

          Who are these whose faces are irradiate
               With eternal joy?
          With the calm the tempest may not trouble
               Nor the grave destroy?
          Glad as those who hear a glorious singing
               From the golden street,
          Moving to the measure of the music
               That is passing sweet.
          They have been within the inner chamber
               None can tread beside,
          Where the Bridegroom radiant in His glory
               Waiteth for the Bride.
          He has shown them in those many mansions
               How to Him is given
          That high palace of surpassing beauty,
               Holiest in Heaven.
          There it is that they behold His radiance,
               There His love they know,
          Therefore theirs is God's eternal gladness
               Whilst they walk below.
          Therefore tread they in Earth's darkest places,
               Through all grief and sin,
          For they know the home that waits the weary,
               Know the love within.
          Therefore sad and strange to them the splendours
               Of the world must be,
          "O forgotten and rejected Jesus,
               We have looked on Thee!
          "We have seen Thee in the Father's glory,
               Shared the Father's kiss;
          Strange henceforward to the world our sadness,
               Stranger yet our bliss.
          "Sadness for the eyes that cannot see Thee,
               Whom to see is Heaven;
          Bliss that flows mysterious as the River
               When the Rock was riven.
          "Oh might some sweet song Thy lips have taught us,
               Some glad song and sweet,
          Guide amidst the mists and through the darkness
               Lost ones to Thy feet.
          "Not our joy, but Thy Divine rejoicing
               Fills that palace fair,
          For the wonder past our heart's conceiving
               Is the welcome there."
          Is it strange that from the golden chamber,
               From the secret place,
          Come they forth with everlasting radiance
               Of His glorious Face?
          Telling mysteries that to babes are simple,
               Hidden from the wise,
          Fragrant with the odours of the lilies
               Of God's Paradise?
          Changed--transformed; for ever and for ever;
               Thine alone to be;
          Knowing none on earth, O Lord, beside Thee,
               None in Heaven but Thee.

C. P. C.

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This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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