14 Antiochus gaue leaue to set vp the fashions of the Gentiles in
Hierusalem, 22 And spoiled it, & the temple in it, 57 And set vp
therin the abomination of desolation, 63 And slew those that did
circumcise their children.
6 Mattathias lamenteth the case of Ierusalem. 24 He slayeth a Iewe
that did sacrifice to Idoles in his presence, and the Kings messenger
also. 34 He and his are assailed vpon the Sabbath, and make no
resistance. 50 Hee dieth, and instructeth his sons: 66 and maketh
their brother Iudas Maccabeus generall.
1 The valour and fame of Iudas Maccabeus. 10 He ouerthroweth the
forces of Samaria and Syria. 27 Antiochus sendeth a great power
against him. 44 He and his fall to fasting and prayer, 58 and are
6 Iudas defeateth the plot 14 and forces of Gorgias, 23 and
spoileth their tents, 34 and ouerthroweth Lysias. 45 He pulleth downe
the Altar which the heathen had prophaned, and setteth vp a newe, 60
and maketh a wall about Sion.
3 Iudas smiteth the children of Dan, Bean, and Ammon. 17 Simon is
sent into Galile. 15 The exploits of Iudas in Galaad. 51 He destroyeth
Ephron, for denying him to passe through it. 56 Diuerse, that in Iudas
absence would fight with their enemies, are slaine.
8 Antiochus dieth, 12 and confesseth that he is plagued for the
wrong done to Ierusalem. 20 Iudas besiegeth those in the towre at
Hierusalem. 28 They procure Antiochus the yonger to come into
Iudea. 51 He besiegeth Sion, 60 and maketh peace with Israel: 62 yet
ouerthroweth the wall of Sion.
1 Antiochus is slaine, and Demetrius reigneth in his stead. 5
Alcimus would be hie Priest, and complaineth of Iudas to the king. 16
He slayeth threescore Asideans. 43 Nicanor is slaine, and the kings
forces are defeated by Iudas. 49 The day of this victorie is kept holy
euery yeere.
1 Alcimus and Bacchides come againe with new forces into Iudea. 7
The armie of Iudas flee from him, 17 and he is slaine. 30 Ionathan is
in his place, 40 and reuengeth his brother Iohns quarrell. 55 Alcimus
is plagued, and dieth. 70 Bacchides maketh peace with Ionathan.
1 Demetrius maketh large offers to haue peace with Ionathan. 25
His letters to the Iewes. 47 Ionathan maketh peace with Alexander, 50
Who killeth Demetrius, 58 and marieth the daughter of Ptolomeus. 62
Ionathan is sent for by him, and much honoured, 75 and preuaileth
against the forces of Demetrius the yonger, 84 & burneth the
temple of Dagon.
12 Ptolomeus taketh away his daughter from Alexander, and entreth
vpon his kingdome. 17 Alexander is slaine, and Ptolemeus dieth within
three dayes. 20 Ionathan besiegeth the towre at Ierusalem. 26 The
Iewes and he are much honoured by Demetrius, 48 Who is rescued by the
Iewes from his owne subiects in Antioch. 57 Antiochus the yonger
honoureth Ionathan. 61 His exploits in diuers places
1 Ionathan reneweth his league with the Romanes and
Lacedemonians. 28 The forces of Demetrius thinking to surprise
Ionathan, flee away for feare. 35 Ionathan fortifieth the castles in
Iudea, 48 and is shut vp by the fraud of Tryphon in Ptolemais.
8 Simon is made captaine in his brother Ionathans roume. 19
Tryphon getteth two of Ionathans sonnes into his hands, and slayeth
their father. 27 The tombe of Ionathan. 36 Simon is fauoured by
Demetrius, 46 and winneth Gaza, and the towre at Hierusalem.
3 Demetrius is taken by the King of Persia. 4 The good deedes of
Simon to his countrey. 18 The Lacedemonians and Romans renew their
league with him. 26 A memoriall of his actes is set vp in Sion.
4 Antiochus desireth leaue to passe through Iudea, & granteth
great honours to Simon and the Iewes. 16 The Romanes write to diuerse
kings & nations to fauour the Iewes. 27 Antiochus quarrelleth with
Simon, 38 and sendeth to annoy Iudea.
3 Iudas and Iohn preuaile against the forces sent by Antiochus. 11
The captaine of Hierico inuiteth Simon and two of his sonnes into his
castle, and there treacherously murdereth them. 19 Iohn is sought for,
22 and escapeth, and killeth those that sought for him.