All are indebted much to thee, But I far more than all, From many a deadly snare set free, And raised from many a fall. Overwhelm me, from above, Daily, with thy boundless love. |
What bonds of gratitude I feel No language can declare; Beneath the oppressive weight I reel, 'Tis more than I can bear: When shall I that blessing prove, To return thee love for love? |
Spirit of charity, dispense Thy grace to every heart; Expel all other spirits thence, Drive self from every part; Charity divine, draw nigh, Break the chains in which we lie! |
All selfish souls, whate'er they feign, Have still a slavish lot; They boast of liberty in vain, Of love, and feel it not. He whose bosom glows with thee, He, and he alone, is free. |
Oh blessedness, all bliss above, When thy pure fires prevail! Love only teaches what is love: All other lessons fail: We learn its name, but not its powers, Experience only makes it ours. |