Chapter 13

Of Sanctification

1 I. The description of sanctification
A. Its inception in definitive sanctification
B. Its increase in progressive sanctification
1. Its character: "really and personally"
2. Its source: "through the same virtue"
3. Its means: "by his Word and Spirit"
4. Its substance:
Negatively, sin is weakened and mortified
Positively, grace is quickened and strengthened
5. Its necessity: "without which no man shall see the Lord"
2-3 II. The distinctives of sanctification
2 A. Struggle with sin
1. The roots of this struggle
2. The nature of this struggle
3. The combatants in this struggle
3 B. Progress in grace
1. The difficulty of this progress
2. The certainty of this progress
3. The quality of this progress

From: Samuel E. Waldron, A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, (Evangelical Press, 1989), p174. Used by permission.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on November 2, 1998.
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