THE love of benevolence, then, causes in us a desire, more and
more to increase the complacency which, we take in the divine
goodness; and to effect this increase, the soul sedulously deprives
herself of all other pleasure that she may give herself more entirely to taking pleasure in God. A religious man asked the
devout Brother Giles, one of the first and most holy companions
of S. Francis, in what work he could be most agreeable to God
he answered by singing: "One to one," which he afterwards
explained, saying, "Give ever your whole soul which is one, to
God who is one." The soul pours itself out by pleasures, and the
diversity of these dissipates and hinders her from being able to
apply herself attentively to the pleasure which she ought to take
in God. The glorious S. Paul reputed all things as dung and
dirt in comparison of his Saviour. And the sacred spouse is
wholly for her well-beloved only: My beloved to me and I to
him. And if the soul that stands thus holily affected meet with
creatures never so excellent, yea though they were angels, she
makes no delay with them, save only what she needs for the
help and furtherance of her desire. Tell me then, says she to
them, tell me, I conjure you, have you seen him whom my soul
loveth?1 The glorious lover Magdalen met the angels at the sepulchre, who doubtless spoke to her angelically, that is most sweetly, but she, on the contrary, wholly ruthful, could take no content, either in their sweet words or in the glory of their garments, or in the all-heavenly grace of their deportment, or in the most delightsome beauty of their faces, but all steeped in tears: They have taken away my Lord, says she, and I know not where they have laid him:2 and, turning about, she saw her sweet Saviour, but in form of a gardener, with whom her heart cannot be satisfied, for full of the love of the death of her Master,
Now still more to magnify this sovereign well-beloved, the soul goes ever seeking his face: that is, with an attention more and more careful and fervent, she keeps noting every particular of the beauties and perfections which are in him, making a continual progress in this sweet searching out of motives, which may perpetually urge her to a greater complacency in the incomprehensible goodness which she loves. So David in many of his heavenly psalms recites one by one the works and wonders of God, and the sacred spouse ranges, in her divine canticles, as a well-ranked army, all the perfections of her beloved, one after another, to provoke her soul to most holy complacency, thereby more highly to magnify his excellence, and also to subject all other spirits to the love of her beloved so dear.