WE say the eye sees, the ear hears, the tongue speaks, the
understanding reasons, the memory remembers, the will loves
but still we know well that it is the man, to speak properly, who
by divers faculties and different organs works all this variety of
operations. Man also then it is who by the affective faculty
named the will tends to and pleases himself in good, and who
has for it that great affinity which is the source and origin of
love. Now they have made a mistake who have believed that
resemblance is the only affinity which produces love. For who
knows not that the most sensible old men tenderly and dearly
love little children, and are reciprocally loved by them; that
the wise love the ignorant, provided they are docile, and the
sick their physicians. And if we may draw any argument
from the image of love which is found in things without sense,
what resemblance can draw the iron towards the loadstone ?
Has not one loadstone more resemblance with another or with
another stone, than with iron which is of a totally different
species? And though some, to reduce all affinities to resemblance,
assure us that iron draws iron and the loadstone the loadstone,
yet they are unable to explain why the loadstone draws iron
more powerfully than iron does iron itself. But I pray you
what similitude is there between lime and water? or between
water and a sponge? and yet both of them drink water with a
quenchless desire, testifying an excessive insensible love towards
it. Now it is the same in human love; for sometimes it takes
more strongly amongst persona of contrary qualities, than
But when this mutual correspondence is joined with resemblance, love without doubt is engendered much more efficaciously; for resemblance being the true image of unity, when two like things are united by a proportion to the same end it seems rather to be unity than union.
The affinity then of the lover and the thing loved is the first source of love, and this affinity consists in correspondence, which is nothing else than a mutual relation, which makes things apt to unite in order to communicate to one another some perfection. But this will be understood better in the progress of our discourse.