WHEN after the labours and dangers of this mortal life, good souls arrive at the port of the eternal, they ascend to the highest and utmost degree of love to which they can attain; and this final increase being bestowed upon them in recompense of their merits, it is distributed to them, not only in good measure, but in a measure which is pressed down and shaken together and running over,1 as Our Saviour says; so that the love which is given for reward is greater in every one than that which was given for meriting.
Now, not only shall each one in particular have a greater love
In heaven, Theotimus, the loving attention of the blessed is firm, constant, inviolable, and cannot perish or decrease; their intention is pure and freed from all mixture of any inferior intention: in short, this felicity of seeing God clearly and loving him unchangeably is incomparable. And who would ever equal the pleasure, if there be any, of living amidst the perils, the continual tempests, the perpetual agitations and viscissitudes which have to be gone through on sea, with the contentment there is of being in a royal palace, where all things are at every wish, yea where delights incomparably surpass every wish?
There is then more content, sweetness and perfection in the exercise of sacred love amongst the inhabitants of heaven, than amongst the pilgrims of this miserable earth. Yet still there have been some so happy in their pilgrimage that their charity has been greater than that of many saints already enjoying the eternal fatherland: for certainly it were strange if the charity of the great S. John, of the Apostles and Apostolic men, were not greater, even while they were detained here below, than that of little children, who, dying simply with the grace of baptism, enjoy immortal glory.
It is not usual for shepherds to be more valiant than soldiers;
and yet David, when a little shepherd, coming to the army of
Israel, while he found every one more expert in the use of arms
than himself, yet he was more valiant than all. So it is not
an ordinary thing for mortals to have more charity than the
immortals, and yet there have been some mortals, inferior
to the immortals in the exercise of love, who, notwithstanding,
have surpassed them in charity and the habit of love. And
as, when comparing hot iron and a burning lamp, we say the