AS it would be an impious effrontery to attribute the works of holy love done by the Holy Ghost in and with us to the strength of our will, it would be a shameless impiety to lay the defect of love in ungrateful men, on the failure of heavenly assistance and grace. For the Holy Ghost cries everywhere, on the contrary, that our ruin is from ourselves: Destruction is thine own, 0 Israel! thy help is only in me:1 that Our Saviour brought the fire of love, and desires nothing but that it should be enkindled in our hearts:2 that salvation is prepared before the face of all peoples: a light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of Israel:3 that the divine goodness is not willing that any should perish,4 but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth: and will have all men to be saved,5 their Saviour being come into the world, that he might redeem them who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.6 And the wise man clearly warns us, Say not: it is through God that she (wisdom) is not with me.7 And the sacred Council of Trent divinely inculcates upon all the children of holy Church, that the Grace of God is never wanting to such as do what they can, invoking the divine assistance; that God never abandons such as he has once justified unless they abandon him first; so that, if they be not wanting to grace they shall obtain glory.
In fine, Theotimus, Our Saviour is the true light which
enligteneth every man that cometh into this world.8 Some
travellers, one summer's day about noontide, lay down to repose
under the shade of a tree, but while their weariness and the
coolness of the shadow kept them asleep, the sun advancing on
them threw just upon their eyes his strongest light, which by
its glittering brightness gave glimpses of itself like little flashes
of lightning about the pupils of these sleepers' eyes, and by the
heat which pierced their eyelids, forced them by a gentle violence
On the contrary, those poor strangers, what right had they to cry in that wood: Alas! what have we done to the sun that he did not make us see his light, as he did our companions, that we might have arrived at our lodgings and not have wandered in this hideous darkness? For who would not undertake the sun's or rather God's cause, my dear Theotimus, to answer these wretches. What is there, miserable beings, that the sun could really do for you and did not? His favours were equal to all ye that slept: he approached you all with the same light, touched you with the same rays, spread over you a like heat, but unhappy ye, although you saw your risen companions take their pilgrim's staff to gain way, ye turned your backs to the sun and would not make use of his light, nor be conquered by his heat.
Now, Theotimus, see here what I would say. We are all
pilgrims in this mortal life; almost all of us have voluntarily
slept in sin; God the sun of justice darts upon us most sufficiently, yea abundantly, the beams of his inspirations, warms
our hearts with his benedictions, touching every one with the
allurements of his love. Ah! how comes it then that these
allurements allure so few and draw yet fewer? Ah! certainly