ACCORDING then to what we have said, holy quiet has divers
degrees. For sometimes it is in all the powers of the soul joined
and united to the will; sometimes it is in the will only, and
there sometimes sensibly at other times imperceptibly: because
it happens sometimes that the soul takes an incomparable delight
in feeling by certain interior sweetnesses that God is present
with her (as happened to S. Elizabeth when our Blessed Lady
visited her): and at other times the soul has a certain ardent
But, finally, sometimes she neither hears nor speaks to her
well-beloved, nor yet feels any sign of his presence, but simply
knows that she is in the presence of her God, to whom it is
pleasing that she should be there. Suppose, Theotimus, that
the glorious Apostle S. John had slept with a bodily sleep in
the bosom of his dear Master at the Last Supper, and that he
had slept by his commandment; verily in that case he would
have been in his Master's presence without in any way feeling it.
And mark, I pray you, that there is more care required to place
oneself in God's presence, than to remain there when placed: for, to place oneself there it is requisite to apply the mind and
render it actually attentive to this presence (as I explain in the
Introduction.2) But being placed in this presence, we keep ourself there by many other means, so long as, whether by understanding or by will, we do anything in God or for God: as, for example, by beholding him, or anything for love of him;
My dear Theotimus, let us further take the liberty to frame
this imagination. If a statue which the sculptor had niched
in the gallery of some great prince were endowed with understanding, and could reason and talk; and if it were asked: O fair statue, tell me now, why art thou in that niche? -- It would answer, - Because my master placed me there. And if one should reply, - But why stayest thou there without doing anything? - Because, would it say, my master did not place me here to do anything, but simply that I should be here motionless. But if one should urge it further, saying: But, poor statue,
what art thou the better for remaining there in that sort?
Well! would it say, I am not here for my own interest and
service, but to obey and accomplish the will of my master and
maker; and this suffices me. And if one should yet insist thus: Tell me then, statue, I pray, not seeing thy master how dost
thou find contentment in contenting him? No, verily, would it
confess; I see him not, for I have not eyes for seeing, as I have
not feet for walking; but I am too contented to know that my
dear master sees me here, and takes pleasure in seeing me here.
But if one should continue the dispute with the statue, and say
unto it: But wouldst thou not at least wish to have power to move
that thou mightest approach near thy maker, to afford him some
better service? Doubtless it would answer, No, and would
protest that it desired to do nothing but what its master wished.
Is it possible then, would one say at last, that thou desirest
nothing but to be an immovable statue there,within that hollow
O true God! how good a way it is of remaining in God's presence to be, and to will to be, ever and for ever, at his goodpleasure! For so, I consider, in all occurrences, yea, in our deepest sleep, we are still more deeply in the most holy presence of God. Yea, verily, Theotimus: for if we love him we sleep not only in his sight, but at his pleasure, and not only by his will, but also according to his will. And meseems it is himself, our Creator and heavenly sculptor, who lays us there on our beds as statues in their niches, that we may settle there as birds nestle in their nests. Then at our waking, if we reflect upon it, me find that God was ever present with us, and that we were in no wise absent or separated from him. We have then been there in the presence of his good-pleasure, though without seeing or noticing him, so that we might say in imitation of Jacob:3 Indeed I have slept by my God and in the arms of his divine presence and providence, and I knew it not!
Now this quiet, in which the will works not save only by a simple acquiescence in the divine good-pleasure, willing to be in prayer without any other aim than to be in the sight of God according as it shall please him, is a sovereignly excellent quiet, because it has no mixture of self-interest, the faculties of the soul taking no content in it, nor even the will save by its supreme point, in which its contentment is to admit no other contentment but that of being without contentment for the love of the contentment and good-pleasure of its God, in which it rests. For in fine the height of love's ecstasy is to have our will not in its own contentment but in God's, or, not to have our contentment in our own will, but in God's.
2 II. 2.