S. BONAVENTURE, Father Louis of Granada, Father Louis de Ponte, Father Diego di Stella, have sufficiently discoursed upon this subject. I will only sum up those points on which I have touched in this treatise.
The divine goodness considered in itself is not only the first motive of all, but also the greatest, the most noble and most mighty. For it is that which ravishes the Blessed, and crowns their felicity. How can one have a heart, and yet not love so infinite a goodness? This subject is treated to some extent in chapters i. and ii. of Book II., and from chapter viii. to the and of Book III., and in chapter ix. of Book X.
The second motive is that of God's natural Providence towards us, of creation and preservation, as we say in chapter iii. of Book II.
The third motive is that of God's supernatural Providence
The fourth motive is to consider bow God brings to effect this Providence and Redemption, giving every one all the graces and assistances required for salvation; which we handle in Book II., from chapter viii., and in Book III., from the beginning to chapter vi.
The fifth motive is the eternal glory which the Divine goodness has provided for us, which is the crown of God's benefits towards us: of which we have said something from chapter ix. to the end of Book III.
Now to receive from these motives a profound and strong heat of love, it is necessary, 1�, that after having considered one of them in a general way, we apply it in particular to ourselves. For example: O how amiable this great God is, who out of his infinite goodness gave his son for the whole world's redemption! Yes, indeed for all in general, but in particular for me, who am the first of sinners.1 Ah! he hath loved me, yea, I say, he hath loved even me, even me myself, such as I am, and delivered himself to his Passion for me.2
2�. We must consider the Divine benefits in their first and
eternal source. O God ! Theotimus, what love can we have
sufficiently worthy of the infinite goodness of our Creator,
who from all eternity determined to create, preserve, govern,
redeem, save and glorify all in general and each in particular ?
Ah! what was I then when I was not? What was I? who
now being something am yet but a simple and poor worm of the
earth? And still God from the abyss of his eternity thought
thoughts of benediction in my behalf? He considered and
3�. We must consider the Divine benefits in their second and meritorious source; for do you not know, Theotimus, that the High Priest of the Law wore upon his back, and upon his bosom, the names of the children of Israel, that is, the precious stones upon which the names of the chiefs of Israel were engraven? Ah! behold Jesus our chief bishop, and see how, from the instant of his conception, he bore us upon his shoulders, undertaking the charge of redeeming us by his death, even the death of the cross. O Theotimus, Theotimus, this soul of Our Saviour knew us all by name and by surname; but above all in the day of his Passion, when he offered his tears, his prayers, his blood and his life for all, he breathed in particular for thee these thoughts of love: Ah! my eternal Father, I take to myself and charge myself with all poor Theotimus's sins, to undergo torments and death that he may be freed from them, and that he may not perish but live. Let me die, so he may live; let me be crucified so he may be glorified. O sovereign love of the Heart of Jesus, what heart can ever bless thee as devotedly as it ought!
Thus within his maternal breast his divine heart foresaw, disposed, merited and obtained all the benefits we have, not only in general for all, but also in particular for each one, and his breasts of sweetness provided for us the milk of his influences, his attractions, his inspirations, and the sweetnesses by which he draws, conducts and nourishes our hearts to eternal life. Benefits do not inflame us unless we behold the eternal will which destines them for us, and the Heart of Our Saviour who has merited them for us by so many pains, especially in his death and passion.