52 The Latin omits "since," but it is found in all the Greek mss.
53 Cod. Sin. has "believe." Isa. viii. 14, xxviii. 16.
57 Comp. 1 Cor. iv. 13. The meaning is, "My love to you is so great, that I am ready to be or to do all things for you."
61 Wisd. ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.
62 Cod. Sin. reads, "What says the other prophet Moses unto them?"
63 Ex. xxxiii. 1; Lev. xx. 24.
64 The original word is "Gnosis," the knowledge peculiar to advanced Christians, by which they understand the mysteries of Scripture.
65 Not found in Scripture. Comp. Isa. xl. 13; Prov. i. 6. Hilgenfeld, however, changes the usual punctuation, which places a colon after prophet, and reads, "For the prophet speaketh the parable of the Lord. Who shall understand," etc.
66 The Greek is here very elliptical and obscure: "His Spirit" is inserted above, from the Latin.
68 Cod. Sin. has "our fair formation."
70 Cod. Sin. inserts, "the Lord says."
72 Not in Scripture, but comp. Matt. xx. 16, and 2 Cor. v. 17.
75 Cod. Sin. inserts "Himself;" comp. John i. 14.
79 Cod. Sin. omits "in the midst."
81 Cod. Sin. has "But we said above."
83 These are specimens of the "Gnosis," or faculty of bringing out the hidden spiritual meaning of Scripture referred to before. Many more such interpretations follow.
84 Cod. Sin. reads "temple," which is adopted by Hilgenfeld.
85 Not to be found in Scripture, as is the case also with what follows. Hefele remarks, that "certain false traditions respecting the Jewish rites seem to have prevailed among the Christians of the second century, of which Barnabas here adopts some, as do Justin (Dial. c. Try. 40) and Tertullian (adv. Fud. 14; adv. Marc. iii. 7)."
87 Cod. Sin. reads, "what commanded He?"
88 Cod. Sin. reads, "one as a burnt-offering, and one for sins."
89 Cod. Sin. reads, "type of God," but it has been corrected to "Jesus."
90 In Cod. Sin. we find "Rachel." The orthography is doubtful, but there is little question that a kind of bramble-bush is intended.
91 Thus the Latin interprets: others render "shoots."
92 Cod. Sin. has "thus" instead of "this."
94 The text is here in great confusion, though the meaning is plain. Dressel reads, "For how are they alike, and why [does He enjoin] that the goats should be good and alike?" The Cod. Sin. reads, "How is He like Him? For this that," etc.
95 Cod. Sin. here inserts "the goat."
96 Cod. Sin. reads, "for as he who . . . so, says he," etc.
98 Literally, "men in whom sins are perfect." Of this, and much more that follows, no mention is made in Scripture.
99 Cod. Sin. has "upon sticks," and adds, "Behold again the type of the cross, both the scarlet wool and the hyssop,"-adopted by Hilgenfeld.
100 Cod. Sin. has, "the law is Christ Jesus," corrected to the above.
101 The Greek text is,"then no longer [sinful] men, no longer the glory of sinners," which Dressel defends and Hilgenfeld adopts, but which is surely corrupt.
102 Literally, "in witness of the tribes."
104 Thus the sense seems to require, and thus Dressel translates, though it is difficult to extract such a meaning from the Greek text.
109 Ps. xxxiv. 11-13. The first clause of this sentence is wanting in Cod. Sin.
112 In proof of the spiritual meaning of circumcision; but Hilgenfeld joins the words to the preceding sentence.
114 Cod. Sin. reads, "it is the voice," corrected, however, as above.
115 Cod. Sin. has, "that we might hear the word, and not only believe," plainly a corrupt text.
116 Cod. Sin., at first hand, has "slew them," but is corrected as above.
117 The meaning is here very obscure, but the above rendering and punctuation seem preferable to any other.
118 Cod. Sin., with several other mss., leaves out "new."
119 Jer. iv. 3. Cod. Sin. has "God" instead of "Lord."
121 This contrast seems to be marked in the original. cod. Sin. has, "Behold, receive again."
123 Dressel and Hilgenfeld read, "their covenant," as does Cod. Sin.; we have followed Hefele.
124 Cod. Sin. has "children of love," omitting "richly," and inserting it before "looking forward."
126 Not found in Scripture: but comp. Gen. xvii. 26, 27, xiv. 14.
127 Cod. Sin. inserts, "and then making a pause."
128 This sentence is altogether omitted by inadvertence in Cod. Sin.
129 Some mss. here read, "and further:" the above is the reading in Cod. Sin., and is also that of Hefele.
130 This is rendered in the Latin, "the more profound gift," referring, as it does, to the Gnosis of the initiated. The same word is used in chap. i.
131 Literally, "has learned a more germane (or genuine) word from me," being an idle vaunt on account of the ingenuity in interpreting Scripture he has just displayed.
132 Cod. Sin. has "portion," corrected, however, as above. See Lev. xi. and Deut. xiv.
135 Cod. Sin. inserts, "and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alond do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others." The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.
136 Cod. Sin. has, "condemned already."
137 Dressel has a note upon this passage, in which he refers the words we have rendered, "corrupters of boys," to those who by their dissolute lives waste their fortunes, and so entail destruction on their children; but this does not appear satisfactory. Comp. Clem. Alex. Paedag. ii. 10.
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