12 This is Dr. Donaldson's rendering of a clause on which the editors differ both as to reading and rendering.
13 Literally, "becoming (ginouenon) both through the parts and through the whole in every wickedness."
14 [Here, in Grabe's text, comes in the passage about Crescens.]
15 These words can be taken of the Logos as well as of the right reason diffused among men by Him.
16 Plato, Rep., x. c. i. p. 595.
17 Plat., Timaeus, p. 28, C. (but "possible," and not "safe," is the word used by Plato).
18 [Certainly the author of this chapter, and others like it, cannot be accused of a feeble rhetoric.]
19 Another reading is proj taj oueij, referring to the eyes of the beholder; and which may be rendered, "speedily fascinating to the sight."
20 Kai feuktou qanatou may also be rendered, "even of death which men flee from."
21 Alluding to the common accusation against the Christians.
22 Literally, "with a tragic voice,"-the loud voice in which the Greek tragedies were recited through the mask [persona].
23 The word disseminated among men. [St. James i. 21.]
24 Literally, dimly seen at a distance.
25 [Simon Magus appears to be one with whom Justin is perfectly familiar, and hence we are not to conclude rashly that he blundered as to the divine honours rendered to him as the Sabine God.]
26 [Another apostrophe, and a home thrust for "Pius the philosopher" and the emporer.]
1 This Xystus, on the authority of Euseb. (iv. 18), was at Ephesus. There, Philostratus mentions, Appolonius was wont to have disputations.-Otto.
2 Euseb. (iv. 11): "Justin, in philosopher's garb, preached the word of God."
3 In jest, no doubt, because quoting a line from Homer, Il., vi. 123. tij de su essi, fereste, kataqrwpwn.
4 [i.e., "A Hebrew of the Hebrews" (Phil. iii. 5).]
5 The war instigated by Bar Cochba.
6 The opinions of Stoics.-Otto.
8 w some omit, and put qew of prev. cl. in this cl., reading so: "Philosophy is the greatest possession, and most honourable, and introduces us to God," etc.
9 Maranus things that those who are different from the masters of practical philosophy are called Theoretics. I do not know whether they may be better designated Sceptics or Pyrrhonists.-Otto.
10 Julian, Orat., vi., says: "Let no one divide our philosophy into many parts, or cut it into many parts, and especially let him not make many out of one: for as truth is one, so also is philosophy."
11 Either Flavia Neapolis is indicated, or Ephesus.-Otto.
12 Narrating his progress in the study of Platonic philosophy, he elegantly employs this trite phrase of Plato's.-Otto.
13 Philology, used here to denote the exercise of reason.
14 Philology, used her to denote the exercise of speech. The two-fold use of logoj-oratio and ratio-ought to be kept in view. The old man uses it in the former, Justin in the latter, sense.
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