232 Isa. liii. 8.

233 Note this beautiful rendering, Ps. cx. 3.

234 Ps. cx. 4.

235 Or, "to us."

236 anwqen; in Lat. vers. antiquitus, which Maranus prefers.

237 Literally, "garments of gold, variegated."

238 Ps. xlv. 6-11.

239 The incarnation, etc.

240 "Being so," literally.

241 Literally, "but only sharpen yourselves to say something."

242 [Or, "this one."]

243 Ps. xcix. 1-7.

244 Or, "to judge," as in chap. xxxiv.

245 Ps. lxxii. 1, etc.

246 Ps. xix. 1-6.

247 Literally, "importuned."

248 Isa. xlii. 8.

249 Literally, "fixed."

250 Or, "ye islands which sail on it;" or without "continually."

251 Isa. xlii. 5-13.

252 Chap. xliii.

253 hn, which is in chap. xliii., is here omitted, but ought to be inserted without doubt.

254 Isa. vii. 10-17, with Isa. viii. 4 inserted between vers. 16 and 17.

255 We have not seen that Justin admitted this; but it is not to be supposed that the passage where he did admit it has been lost, as Perionius suspected; for sometimes Justin refers to passages at other places, which he did not relate in their own place.-Maranus.

256 [Note the courteous admission of Trypho. and the consent of both parties to the duty of searching the Scriptures.]

257 tewj: Vulg. Para Qew, vitiose. -Otto.

258 The text is corrupt, and various emendations have been proposed.

259 Or, "and to be worshipped as God."

260 Or, "an ass." The ass was sacred to Bacchus; and many fluctuate between oinon and onon.

261 Ps. xix. 5.

262 Isa. xxxv. 1-7.

263 The text here has tauta poihsai omoiwj. Maranus suggests Hsaiou for poihsai; and so we have translated.

264 Justin says that the priests of Mithras imitated all the words of Isaiah about to be quoted; and to prove it, is content with a single example, namely, the precepts of righteousness, which they were wont to relate to him, as in these words of Isaiah: "He who walks in righteousness," etc. Justin omitted many other passages, as easy and obvious. For since Mithras is the same as fire, it manifestly answers to the fire of which Isaiah speaks. And since Justin reminded them who are initiated, that they are said to be initiated by Mithras himself, it was not necessary to remind them that the words of Isaiah are imitated in this: "You shall see the King with glory." Bread and water are referred to by Isaiah: so also in these mysteries of Mithras, Justin testifies that bread and a cup of water are placed before them (Apol. i. ).-Maranus.

265 i.e., the devils.

266 i.e., the priests of Mithras.

267 Isa. xxxiii. 13-19.

268 Literally, "to do," poiein. [The horrible charge of banqueting on blood, etc., constantly repeated against Christians, was probably based on the Eucharist. See Kaye's Illustrations from Tatian, Athenagorus, and Theoph. Antioch., cap. ix. p. 153.]

269 Literally, "to do," poiein. [The horrible charge of banqueting on blood, etc., constantly repeated against Christians, was probably based on the Eucharist. See Kaye's Illustrations from Tatian, Athenagorus, and Theoph. Antioch., cap. ix. p. 153.]

270 Or, "profess."

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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