62 This extract and the next three were discovered in the year 1715 by [Christopher Matthew] Pfaff, a learned Lutheran, in the Royal Library at Turin. The mss.MSS; . from which they were taken were neither catalogued nor classified, and have now disappeared from the collection. It is impossible to say with any degree of probability from what treatises of our author these four fragments have been culled. For a full account of their history, see Stieren's edition of Irenaeus, vol. ii. p. 381. [But, in all candor, let Pfaff himself be heard. His little work is full of learning, and I have long possessed it as a treasure to which I often recur. Pfaff's Irenaei Fragmenta was published at The Hague, 1715.]
69 Harvey's conjectural emendation, epiplokh for epilogh, has been adopted here.
72 taij deuteraij twn apostolwn diatacesi. Harvey thinks that these words imply, "the formal constitution, which the apostles, acting under the impuls of the Spirit, though still in a secondary capacity, gave to the Church."
74 Rev. v. 8. The same view of the eucharistic oblation, etc., is found in book iv. chap. xvii.: as also in Justin Martyr; see Trypho, cap. xli. supra in this volume.
79 Harvey explains this word antitupwn as meaning an "exact counterpart." He refers to the word where it occurs in Contra Haeresses, lib. i. chap. xxiv. (p. 349, this vol.) as confirmatory of his view.
80 Taken apparently from the Epistle to Blastus, de Schismate. Compare a similar passage, lib. iv. chap. xxxiii. 7.
83 "From the same collection at Turin. The passage seems to be of cognate matter with the treatise De Resurrec. Pfaff referred it either to the dialeceij diaforoi or to the epideicij apostolikou khrugmatoj."-Harvey.
84 This and the four following fragments are taken from mss.MSS; . in the Vatican Library at Rome. They are apparently quoted from the homiletical expositions of the historical books already referred to.
88 These words were evidently written during a season of persecution in Gaul; but what that persecution was, it is useless to conjecture.
90 That is, when he fled to the rock Etam, he typified the true believer taking refuge in the spiritual Rock, Christ.
91 Most probably from a homily upon the third and fourth chapters of Ezekiel. It is found repeated in Stieren's and Migne's edition as Fragment xlviii. extracted from a Catena on the Book of Judges.
92 We give this brief fragment as it appears in the editions of Stieren, Migne, and Harvey, who speculate as to its origin. They seem to have overlooked the fact that it is the Greek original of the old Latin, non facile est ab errore apprehensam resipiscere animam,-a sentence found towards the end of book iii. chap. ii.
93 With the exception of the initial text, this fragment is almost identical with No. xxv.
96 From the Catena on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians, edited by Dr. Cramer, and reprinted by Stieren.
98 Extracted from a ms. . of Greek theology in the Palatine Library at Vienna. The succeeding fragment in the editions of Harvey, Migne, and Stieren, is omitted, as it is merely a transcript of book iii. ch. x. 4.
100 This fragment commences a series derived from the Nitrian Collection of Syriac mss.MSS;. in the British Museum.
101 The Syriac text is here corrupt and obscure.
102 See. No. viii., which is the same as the remainder of this fragment.
103 The Syriac ms. . introduces this quotation as follows: "From the holy Irenaeus Bp. of Lyons, from the first section of his interpretation of the Song of Songs."
104 This extract is introduced as follows: "For Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons, who was a contemporary of the disciple of the apostle, Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna, and martyr, and for this reason is held in just estimation, wrote to an Alexandrian to the effect that it is right, with respect to the feast of the Resurrection, that we should celebrate it upon the first day of the week." This shows us that the extract must have been taken from the work Against Schism addressed to Blastus.
105 From the same ms. . as the preceding fragment. It is thus introduced: "And Irenaeus Bp. of Lyons, to Victor Bp. of Rome, concerning Florinus, a presbyter, who was a partisan of the error of Valentinus, and published an abominable book, thus wrote."
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