106 This extract had already been printed by M. Pitra in his Spicilegium Solesmense, p. 6.

107 1 Cor. x. 4.

108 John iv. 14.

109 John viii. 58.

110 John xx. 22.

111 John viii. 59.

112 John xx. 26.

113 2 Cor. xiii. 4.

114 Eph. iv. 9, 10.

115 This extract from the Syriac is a shorter form of the next fragment, which seems to be interpolated in some places. The latter is from an Armenian ms. . in the Mechitarist Library at Venice.

116 This fragment is thus introduced in the Armenian copy: "From St. Irenaeus, bishop, follower of the apostles, on the Lord's resurrection."

117 The Armenian text is confused here; we have adopted the conjectural emendation of Quatremere.

118 From an Armenian ms. . in the Library of the Mechitarist Convent at Vienna, edited by M. Pitra, who considers this fragment as of very doubtful authority. It commences with this heading: "From the second series of Homilies of Saint Irenaeus, follower of the Apostles; a Homily upon the Sons of Zebedee."

119 Matt. xx. 20.

120 That is, the wine which flows from the grapes before they are trodden out.

121 Hos. ix. 10.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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