98 i.e. that they have seen it done; for children imitate anything and everything (Oehler).
99 [Vol. II. p. 18 (Vision V.), this Series. Also, Ib. p. 57, note 2. See Routh's quotation from Cotelerius, p. 180, in Volume before noted.]
100 Routh and Oehler (After Rigaltius) refer us to Tob. xii. 12. They also, with Dodgson, refer to Luke i. 11. Perhaps there may bne a reference to Rev. viii. 3, 4.
103 Which is forbidden, Matt. vi. 5, 6.
105 See Rom. xvi. 16; 1 Cor. xvi 20; 2 Cor. xiii. 12: 1 Thess. v. 26; 1 Pet. v. 14. [The sexes apart.]
107 i.e. "Good Friday," as it is now generally called.
108 The word Statio seems to have been used in more than one sense in the ancient Church. A passage in the Shepherd of Hermas, referred to above (B. iii. Sim. 5), appears to make it = "fast."
110 For receiving at home apparently, when your station is over.
111 See 2 Tim. ii. 1, etc. [See Hermas, Vol. I., p. 33.]
112 See 1 Cor. xi. 1-16; 1 Tim. ii. 9, 10.
115 As to the distinction between "women" and "virgins."
116 Gen. ii. 23. In the LXX. and in the Eng. ver. there is but the one word "woman."
117 These words are regarded by Dr. Routh as spurious, and not without reason. Mr. Dodgson likewise omits them, and refers to de Virg. Vel. cc. 4 and 5.
118 In de Virg. Vel. 5, Tertullian speaks even more strongly: "And so you have the name, I say not now common, but proper to a virgin; a name which from the beginning a virgin received."
121 Mr. Dodgson appears to think that there is some transposition here; and at first sight it may appear so. But when we look more closely, perhaps there is no need to make any difficulty: the stress is rather on the words "by interpretation," which, of course, is a different thing from "usage;" and by interpretation gunh/ appears to come nearer to "femina" than to "mulier."
126 For a similar use of the word "virgin," see Rev. xiv. 4.
128 See Gen. vi. 2 in the LXX., with the v. l. ed. Tisch. 1860; and compare Tertullian, de Idol. c. 9, and the note there. Mr. Dodgson refers, too, to de Virg. Vel. c. 7, where this curious subject is more fully entered into.
129 i.e. according to their definition, whom Tertullian is refuting.
131 i.e. If married women had been meant, either words, "uxores" or "feminae," could have been used indifferently.
138 Of the "universal veiling of women."
139 i.e. as above, the Sermon on the Mount.
142 Gen. ii. 27 (or in the LXX. iii. 1), and iii. 7, 10, 11.
143 Routh refers us to de Virg. Vel. c. 11.
144 i.e. the redundance of her hair.
146 i.e. says Oehler, "lest we postpone the eternal favour of God, which we hope for, to the temporal veneration of men; a risk which those virgins seemed likely to run who, when devoted to God, used to go veiled in public. but bareheaded in the church."
148 i.e. in public; see note 27, supra.
150 i.e. as Muratori, quoted by Oehler, says, your "pious" (?) fraud in pretending to be married when you are a virgin; because "devoted" virgins used to dress and wear veils like married women, as being regarded as "wedded to Christ."
151 i.e. each president of a church, or bishop.
152 i.e. "are known to be such through the chastity of their manner and life" (Oehler).
153 "By appearing in public as married women, while in heart they are virgins" (Oehler).
154 Does Tertullian refer to 2 Cor. x. 13? or does "modulus" mean, as Oehler things, "my rule?" [It seems to me a very plain reference to the text before mentioned, and to the Apostolic Canon of not exceeding one's Mission.]
157 i.e. abstaining from kneeling: kneeling being more "a posture of solicitude" and of humility; standing, of "exultation."
158 i.e. at fasts and Stations. [Sabbath = Saturday, supra.]
159 For the meaning of "satisfaction" as used by the Fathers, see Hooker. Eccl. Pol. vi. 5.
160 Eph. vi. 18; 1 Thess. v. 17; 1 Tim. ii. 8.
161 Matt. vi. 5, 6, which forbids praying in public.
162 Paul and Silas (Acts xvi. 25).
163 I have followed Muratori's reading here.
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