14 See Virg. Aen. viii. 319-323: see also Ov. Fast. I. 234-238.
15 Oehler does not mark this as a question. If we follow him, we may render, "this can find belief." Above, it seemed necessary to introduce the parenthetical words to make some sense. The Latin is throughout very clumsy and incoherent.
17 Lex Cornelia transgressi foederis ammissum novis exemplis novi coitus sacrilegum damnaret. After consulting Dr. Holmes, I have rendered, but not without hesitation, as above. "Feodus" seems to have been technically used, especially in later Latin, of the marriage compact; but what "lex Cornelia" is meant I have sought vainly to discover, and whether "lex Cornelia transgressi foederis" ought not to go together I am not sure. For "ammissum" (=admissum) Migne's ed. reads "amissum," a very different word. For "sacrilegus" with a genitive, see de Res. Carn, c. xlii. med.
18 Quid putatur (Oehler) putatus (Migne).
20 The Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux.
21 Perhaps Aegipana (marginal reading of the ms. as given in Oehler and Migne).
23 Oehler reads "vide etem;" but Migne's "viventem" seems better: indeed, Oehler's is probably a misprint. The punctuation of this treatise in Oehler is very faulty throughout, and has been disregarded.
24 "Immensum," rendered "incomprehensible" in the "Athanasian Creed.
1 [This treatise was written while our author was a Catholic. This seems to me the best supported of the theories concerning it. Let us accept Pamelius, for one and date it a.d. 198. Dr. Allix following Baronius, will have it as late as a.d. 208. Neander thinks the work, after the quotation from Isaiah in the beginning of chapter ninth, is not our author's, but was finished by another hand, clumsily annexing what is said on the same chapter of Isaiah in the Third Book against Marcion. It is only slightly varied. Bp. Kaye admits the very striking facts instances by Neander, in support of this theory, but demolishes, with a word any argument drawn from thence that the genuine work was written after the author's lapse. This treatise is sufficiently annotated by Thelwall, and covers ground elsewhere gone over in this Series. My own notes are therefore very few.]
3 See Isa. xl. 15: "dust of the balance," Eng. Ver.; r9oph\ zugou= LXX. For the expression "dust out of a threshing-floor," however, see Ps. i. 4, Dan. ii. 35.
4 See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.
5 This promise may be said to have been given "to Abraham," because (of course) he was still living at the time; as we see by comparing Gen. xxi. 5 with xxv. 7 and 26. See, too, Heb. xi. 9.
6 Or, "nor did He make, by grace, a distinction."
7 Or, "nor did He make, by grace, a distinction."
8 See Gen. xxv. 21-23, especially in the LXX.; and comp. Rom. ix. 10-13.
10 Ex. xxxii. 1,23; Acts vii. 39,40.
11 Ex. xxxii. 4: comp. Acts vii. 38-41; 1 Cor. x. 7; Ps. cvi. 19-22.
12 Comp. 1 Kings xii. 25-33; 2 Kings xvii. 7-17 (in LXX. 3 and 4 Kings). The Eng. Ver. Speaks of "calves;" the LXX. Call them "heifers."
15 Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31-43.
16 See Gen. ii. 16,17,iii. 2,3.
18 Deut. vi. 4,5; Lev. xix. 18; comp. Matt. xxii. 34-40; Mark xii. 28-34; Luke x. 25-28; and for the rest, Ex. xx. 12-17; Deut. v. 16-21; Rom. xiii. 9.
21 Excidendo; or, perhaps, "by self-excision," or "mutual excision."
22 Or, "the Law written for Moses in stone-tables."
23 Gen. vi. 9. vii. 1 ; Comp. Heb. xi. 7.
24 See Isa. xli. 8; Jas. ii. 23.
25 Gen. xiv. 18. Ps. cx. (cix. in. LXX.) 4; Heb. v. 10, vii. 1-3, 10, 15, 17
26 Comp. Gen. xv. 13 with Ex. xii. 40-42 and Acts vii. 6.
29 Gen. iv. 1-7, especially in the LXX.; comp. Heb. xi. 4.
30 Gen. vi. 18, vii. 23; 2 Pet. ii. 5.
31 See Gen. v. 22, 24; Heb. xi. 5.
32 Or, perhaps, "has not yet tasted."
33 Aeternitatis candidatus. Comp. ad Ux. l. i. c. vii., and note 3 there.
35 i.e., nephew. See Gen. xi. 31, xii. 5.
36 See Gen. xix. 1-29; and comp. 2 Pet. ii. 6-9.
37 See Gen. xii.-xv. Compared with xvii. And Rom. iv.
38 Acceperat. So Tertullian renders, as it appears to me, the e@labe of St. Paul in Rom. iv. 11. q. v.
39 There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here. Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, "subsequent" to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been "already circumcised" carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. With Gen. xvii.
40 Tertullian writes Seffora; the LXX. in loco, Sepfw/ra Ex. iv. 24-26, where the Eng. Ver. Says, "the Lord met him," etc.; the LXX a!ggeloj Kuri/ou.
41 Isa. i. 7,8. See c. xiii. sub fin.
42 Again an error; for these words precede the others. These are found in Isa. i. 2.
45 Jer. iv. 3,4. In Eng. Ver., "break up your fallow ground;" but comp. de Pu. c. vi. ad init.
46 So Tertullian. In Jer. ibid. "Israel and...Judah."
47 Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8-13.
49 Perhaps an allusion to Phil. iii. 1, 2.
50 See Dan. ii. 34,35,44,45. See c. xiv. Below.
52 i.e., of beating swords into ploughs, etc.
53 Comp. Ex. xxi. 24,25; Lev. xxiv. 17-22; Deut. xix. 11-21; Matt. v. 38.
54 Especially spiritually. Comp. 1 Cor. iii. 6-9, ix. 9, 10, and similar passages.
55 Obsequia. See de Pa. c. iv. note i.
56 See Ps. xviii. 43,44 (xvii. 44, 45 in LXX.), where the Eng. Ver. has the future; the LXX., like Tertullian, the past. Comp. 2 Sam (in LXX. 2 Kings) xxii. 44, 45, and Rom. x. 14-17.
57 Comp. Isa. i. 2 as above, and Acts xiii. 17.
59 Or, perhaps, "not affected, as a body, with human sufferings;" in allusion to such passages as Deut. viii. 4 xxix. 5, Neh. ix. 21.
60 Ps. lxxviii. (lxxvii. in LXX.) 25; comp. John vi. 31,32.
61 See Hos. i. 10; 1 Pet. ii. 10.
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