113 Diluuntur. So Oehler has amended for the reading of the mss. and edd., "tribuuntur."
114 Comp. Pusey on Daniel, pp. 178, 179, notes 6, 7, 8, and the passages therein referred to. And for the whole question of the seventy weeks, and of the LXX. version of Daniel, comp. the same book, Lect. iv. and Note E (2d thousand, 1864). See also pp. 376-381 of the same book; and Faber (as above), pp. 293-297.
115 Or rather, our Lord Himself. See Matt. xi. 13; Luke xvi. 16.
116 Comp. the very obscure passage in de Pu. c. vi., towards the end, on which this expression appears to cast some light.
118 And, without unction-i.e. without a priesthood, the head whereof, or high priest, was always anointed-no sacrifices were lawful.
119 See Ps. xxii. 16 (xxi. 17 in LXX.)
121 Comp. Ex. xii. 6 with Mark xiv. 12, Luke xxii. 7.
122 See Matt. xxvii. 24, 25, with John xix. 12 and Acts iii. 13.
125 "A virgin," Eng. ver.; h9 parqe/noj, LXX.; "the virgin," Lowth.
129 See Isa. viii. 4. (all these passages should be read in the LXX.)
130 i.e., of the predicted name. [Here compare Against Marcion, Book III. (vol. vii. Edin. series) Cap. xii. p. 142. See my note (1) on chapter first; and also Kaye, p. xix.]
131 In Isa. viii. 8, 10, compared with vii. 14 in the Eng. ver. and the LXX., and also Lowth, introductory remarks on ch. viii.
133 See adv. Marc. l. iii. c. xiii., which, with the preceding chapter, should be compared throughout with the chapter before us.
134 Comp. Judg. xiii. 12; Eng. ver. "How shall we order the child?"
137 Of course he ought to have said, "they say."
138 Zech. xiv. 14, ommitting the last clause.
139 Ps. lxxii. 15 (lxxi. 15 in LXX.): "Sheba" in Eng ver.; "Arabia" in the "Great Bible" of 1539; and so the LXX.
140 Ps lxxii. 10, in LXX, and "Great Bible;" "Sheba and Seba," Eng. ver.
141 Strictly, Tertullian ought to have said "they call," having above said "Divine scriptures;" as above on the preceding page.
147 Oehler refers to Isa. xix. 1. See, too, Isa. xxx. and xxxi.
149 Or we may supply here ["Isaiah"]
151 Ps. xlv. 3, clause 1 (in LXX. Ps. xliv. 4).
152 See Ps. xlv. 2 (xliv. 3 in LXX.)
153 Ps xlv. 4 (xliv. 4 in LXX.).
154 Comp. Heb iv. 12; Rev. i. 16, ii. 12, xix. 15, 21; also Eph. vi. 17.
155 Comp. Ps. lxii. 12 (lxi. 13 in LXX.); Rom. ii. 6.
156 See Ps. xlv. 5 (xliv. in LXX.).
157 Ps. xlv. 5 (xliv. 6 in LXX.).
158 Traductionem (comp. Heb. iv. 13).
160 I can find no authority for "appellatus" as a substantive, but such forms are familiar with Tertullian. Or perhaps we may render: "in that He is found to have been likewise called Jesus."
163 Jehushua, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus, are all forms of the same name. But the change from Oshea or Hoshea to Jehosua appears to have been made when he was sent to spy the land. See Num. xiii. 16 (17 in LXX., who called it a surnaming).
164 If Oehler's "in saeculo desertae" is to be retained, this appears to be the construction. But this passage, like others above noted, is but a reproduction of parts of the third book in answer to Marcion; and there the reading is "in saeculi desertis"="in the desert places of the world," or "of heathendom."
165 See Ex. iii. 8, and the references there.
166 See Josh. v. 2-9, especially in LXX. Comp. the margin in the Eng. ver. in ver. 2, "flint knives," and Wordsworth in loc., who refers to Ex. iv. 25, for which see ch. iii. above.
167 See especially 1 Cor. x. 4.
170 Comp. Ex. xxxiii. 20; John i. 18, xiv. 9; Col. i. 15; Heb. i. 3.
171 Oehler and others read "celavit"; but the correction of Fr. Junius and Rig., "celabit," is certainly more agreeable to the LXX. and the Eng. ver.
173 Mal. iii. 1: comp. Matt. xi. 10; Mark i. 2; Luke vii. 27.
174 See Ps cxxxii. 17 (cxxi. 17 in LXX.).
175 Matt. v. 17, briefly; a very favourite reference with Tertullian.
176 John v. 35, o9 lu/xnoj o9 kaio/menoj dai\ fai/nwn.
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