177 Comp. reference 8, p. 232; and Isa. xl. 3, John i. 23.
180 See Isa. xi. 1, 2, especially in LXX.
183 See Isa. liii. 3, 7, in LXX.; and comp. Ps. xxxviii. 17 (xxxvii. 18 in LXX.) in the "Great Bible" of 1539.
184 See Isa. xlii. 2, 3, and Matt. xii. 19, 20.
185 See Isa. lviii. 1, 2, especially in LXX.
187 See John v. 17, 18, compared with x. 31-33.
188 Comp. Deut. xxi. 23 with Gal. iii. 13, with Prof. Lightfoot on the latter passage.
189 Deut. xxi. 22, 23 (especially in the LXX.).
190 See 1 Pet. ii. 22 with Isa. liii. 9.
191 Oehler's pointing is disregarded.
192 Ps. xxxv. (xxxiv. in LXX.) 12.
193 Ps. lxix. 4 (lxvii. 3 in LXX.).
194 Ps. xxii. 16 (xxi. 17 in LXX.).
195 Ps. lxix. 21 (lxviii. 5 in LXX.).
196 Ps. xxii. 18 (xxi. 19 in LXX.).
197 See Matt. xxvi. 56, xxvii. 34, 35; John xix. 23, 24, 28, 32-37.
199 See Rom. ix. 32, 33, with Isa. xxviii. 16; 1 Cor. i. 23; Gal. v. 11.
200 Lignum = culon; constantly used for "tree."
201 Comp. Gen. xxii. 1-10 with John xix. 17.
202 "Christum figuratus" is Oehler's reading, after the two mss. and the Pamelian ed. of 1579; the rest read "figurans" or "figuravit".
203 Manifested e.g., in his two dreams. See Gen xxxvii.
206 This is an error. It is not "his father," Jacob, but Moses, who thus blesses him. See Deut. xxxiii. 17. The same error occurs in adv. Marc. 1. iii. c. xxiii.
207 Not strictly "the same;" for here the reference is to Gen. xlix. 5-7.
209 i.e., the scribes and Pharisees.
210 Perfecerunt iniquitatem ex sua secta. There seems to be a play on the word "secta" in connection with the outrage committed by Simeon and Levi, as recorded in Gen. xxxiv. 25-31; and for sunete/lesan a0diki/a/ e0caire/sewj au0tw=n (which is the reading of the LXX., ed. Tisch. 3, Lips. 1860), Tertullian's Latin seems to have read, sunete/lesan adikian e0c aire/sewj au0tw=n.
211 See Gen. xlix. 57 in LXX.; and comp. the margin of Eng. ver. on ver. 7, and Wordsworth in loc., who incorrectly renders tau=ron an "ox" here.
212 What the sense of this is it is not easy to see. It appears to have puzzled Pam. and Rig. so effectually that they both, conjecturally and without authority, adopted the reading found in adv. Marc. 1. iii. c. xvii. (from which book, as usual, the present passage is borrowed), only altering illis to ipsis.
213 See Ex. xvii. 8-16; and comp. Col. ii. 14, 15.
215 Their sin was "speaking against God and against Moses"(Num. xxi. 4-9).
216 Comp. Col. ii. 14, 15, as before; also Gen. iii. 1, etc.; 2 Cor. xi. 3; Rev. xiii. 9.
217 Comp. 2 Cor. xi. 14, 15; Matt.xxv. 41; Rev. xii. 9.
218 Comp. de Idol. c. v.; adv. Marc. 1. iii. c. xvii.
219 A ligno. Oehler refers us to Ps. xcvi. 10 (xcv. 10 in LXX.); but the special words "a ligno" are wanting there, though the text is often quoted by the Fathers.
220 Lignarium aliquem regem. It is not remarkable, in connection herewith, that our Lord is not only called by the Jews "the carpenter's son" (Matt.xiii. 55; Luke iv. 22), but "the carpenter" (Mark vi. 3).
223 See Jer. xi. 19 (in LXX.).
224 i.e., when they laid on Him the crossbeam to carry. See John xix. 17.
225 See John vi. passim, and the various accounts of the institution of the Holy Supper.
226 It is Ps. xxii. in our Bibles, xxi. in LXX.
228 Ps. xxii. 21 (xxi. 22 in LXX., who render it as Tertullian does).
229 i.e., perhaps, because of the extreme ignominy attaching to that death, which prevented its being expressly named.
230 Isa. liii. 8, 9, 10, (in LXX.).
232 Isa. liii. 12 (in LXX.). Comp., too, Bp. Lowth. Oehler's pointing again appears to be faulty.
233 See Amos viii. 9. 10 (especially in the LXX.).
234 Oehler's "esset" appears to be a mistake for "esse."
235 The change from singular to plural is due to the Latin, not to the translator.
237 See Matt. xxvi. 17; Mark xiv. 12; Luke xxii. 7; John xviii. 28.
241 Or possibly, simply, "sealed"-obsignatus.
242 Inter mediam elam et inter medium altaris: i.e., probably = "between the porch and the altar," as the Eng. Ver. has.
243 So Oehler points, and Tischendorf in his edition of the LXX. points not very differently. I incline to read: "Because they have filled up the measure of their impieties, and, behold (are) themselves, as it were, grimacing, I will," etc.
245 "Quae fuit super eam" (i.e. super domum) "in subdivali domus" is Oehler's reading; but it differs from the LXX.
246 The ms. which Oehler usually follows omits "Tau;" so do the LXX.
247 Et in his dixit ad audientem. But the LXX. reading agrees almost verbatim with the Eng. ver.
248 Ezek. viii. 12-ix. 6 (especially in the LXX.). Comp. Adv. Marc. l. iii. c. xxii. But our author differs considerably even from the LXX.
249 Or rather in Deuteronomy. See xxviii. 65 sqq.
251 In ligno. There are no such words in the LXX. If the words be retained, "thy life" will mean Christ, who is called "our Life" in Col. iii. 4. See also John i. 4, xiv. 6, xi. 25. And so, again, "Thou shalt not trust (or believe) thy life" would mean, "Thou shalt not believe Christ."
253 i.e., Would they have happened? And, by happening, have been their own proof?
255 Dispositionem; Gr. diaqh/khn.
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