337 See chap. vii. of this book, and chap. ii. of book. iii.
342 Marcion's diversitas implied an utter incompatibility between John and Christ; for it assigned John to the Creator, from whom it took Christ away.
343 De disciplinis: or, "about discipleships."
344 De auctoritatibus; or, "about the authors thereof."
352 The same, which spake again by Isaiah.
355 There is also in Hebrew an affinity between hnbl@
, "frankincense," and zwbbl@
, "Lebanon." [Note this strange but reiterated and emphatic identification of incense with idolatry. In the Gentile church it was throughly identified with Paganism.]
356 See also book i. chap. xxix. [on this reservation of Baptism see Elucidation II.]
359 His reading of (probably) Isa. xliii. 19; comp. 2 Cor. v. 17.
364 That is, "the oldness of the law."
366 Separatione. The more general reading is separationem.
367 Alienis: i.e., "things not his own."
369 Provehitur, "is developed."
375 Institutione: or, teaching, perhaps.
383 This obscure passage runs thus in the original: "Marcion captat status controlversiae (ut aliquid ludam cum mei Domini veritate), scripti et voluntatis." Status is a technical word in rhetoric. "Est quaestio quae ex prima causarum conflictione nascitur." See Cicero, Topic. c. 25, Part. c. 29; and Quinctilian, Instit. Rhetor. iii. 6. (Oehler).
385 Luke vi. 1-4; 1 Sam. xxi. 2-6.
390 Non constristandi quam vacandi.
391 [This adoption of an Americanism is worthy of passing notice.]
392 Placet illi quia Creator indulsit.
394 That is, the Christ of another God.
396 It is impossible to say where Tertullian got this reading. Perhaps his LXX. copy might have had (in Ex. xx. 10): Ou0 poih/seij e0n au0th|= pa=n e@rgon sou, instead of su; every clause ending in sou, which follows in that verse. NO critical authority, however, now known warrants such a reading. [It is probably based inferentially on verse 9, "all thy work."]
398 The LXX. of the latter clause of Ex. xii. 16 thus runs: plh\n o#sa poihqh/setai pa/sh yuxh=. Tertullian probably got this reading from this clause, although the Hebrew is to this effect: "Save that which every man (or, every soul) must eat, "which the Vulgate renders: "Exceptis his, quae ad vescendum pertinent."
399 Liberandae animae: perhaps saving life.
400 In salutem animae: or, for saving life.
402 Pro anima: or, for a life.
403 Animae omni: or, any life.
407 Destructum. We have, as has been most convenient, rendered this word by annul, destroy, break.
411 Isa. lviii. 13 and lvi. 2.
414 "Destroy"...It was hardly necessary for Oehler to paraphrase our author's characteristically strong sentence by, "since Marcion thought that he had gagged," etc.
415 In other words, "permits to be done on the Sabbath."
417 Quod, not quae, as if in apposition with praesidia.
426 In vigore. Or this phrase may qualify the noun thus: "They were astonished at His doctrine, in its might."
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