1363 Sublimiorem inferis. [Elucidation VIII.]
1364 Compare Heb. ii. 2 with x. 35 and xi. 26.
1365 Ascensum in coelum: Sept. a0na/basin ei0j to\n ou0rano/n, Amos ix. 6. See on this passage the article Heaven in Kitto's Cyclopaedia (ed edit.), vol. ii. p. 245, where the present writer has discussed the probable meaning of the verse.
1366 Isa. xxxiii. 14-16, according to the Septuagint, which has but slight resemblance to the Hebrew.
1368 Candida quaedam prospiciatur: where candida is a noun substantive (see above, chap. vii. p. 353).
1369 There seems to be here an allusion to Luke ix. 35.
1372 See Isa. lii. 7, xxxiii. 14 (Sept.), and Amos ix. 6.
1374 See 1 Sam. ii. 6-8. Ps. cxiii. 7, and Luke i. 52.
1375 Divinitatum; "divine powers."
1380 Ex acceptione personae. The Greek proswpolhyi/a, "respect of persons."
1381 Lev. xix. 17. The last clause in A.V. runs, "And not suffer sin upon him;" but the Sept gives this reading, kai\ ou0 lh/yh| di' au0to\n a9marti/an; nor need the Hebrew mean other than this. The prenominal particle wyy(
may be well rendered di' au0to/i on his account.
1390 Or, perhaps, "had proved the prophecy true by His accomplishment of it."
1393 Praefatus est: see Luke iv. 27.
1395 Authenticus. "He was the true, the original Priest, of whom the priests under the Mosaic law were only copies" (Bp. Kaye, On the Writings of Tertullian, pp. 293, 294, and note 8).
1399 Qua: "I should prefer quia" (Oehler).
1400 Pristino leproso: but doubtful.
1403 Schisma illud ex novem tribubus. There is another reading which substitutes the word decem. "It is, however, immaterial; either number will do roundly. If `ten0' be the number, it must be understood that the tenth is divided, accurately making nine and a half tribes. If `nine0' be read, the same amount is still made up, for Simeon was reckoned with Judah, and half of the tribe of Benjamin remained loyal" (Fr. Junius).
1405 1 Kings xi. 29-39 and xii. 15.
1409 Subiciens: or "subjecting."
1413 Fontem non puteum salutis.
1421 Excelsum: Sept. u9pe/rogxoj.
1428 See Isa. viii. 14 and 1 Cor. x. 4.
1433 That is, the Creator's Christ from the Marcionite point of view.
1439 Sive reprobatricem superbiae, sive justificatricem humilitatis.
1441 See above, chap. xxvi. p. 392.
1448 See above, chap. ix., near the beginning.
1453 Mic. vi. 8. The last clause agrees with the Septuagint: kai\ e#toimon ei\nai tou= poreu/esqai meta\ Kuri/ou Qeou= sou.
1454 The clauses of Christ's words, which are here adapted to Micah's, are in every case broken with an inquit.
1455 Tunc pendentibus: i.e., at the time mentioned in the story of the blind man.
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