2 Calmet. Opp. i. 483 and Tom. x., p. 525.
3 We have already more than once referred to Marcion's preference for St. Paul. "The reason of the preference thus given to that apostle was his constant and strenuous opposition to the Judaizing Christians, who wished to reimpose the yoke of the Jewish ceremonies on the necks of their brethren. This opposition the Marcionites wished to construe into a direct denial of the authority of the Mosaic law. They contended also from St. Paul's assertion, that he received his appointment to the apostolic office not from man, but from Christ, that he alone delivered the genuine doctrines of the gospel. This deference for St. Paul accounts also for Marcion's accepting St. Luke's Gospel as the only authentic one, as we saw in the last book of this treatise; it was because that evangelist had been the companion of St. Paul" (Bp. Kaye, On the Writings of Tertullian, 3d edition, pp. 474-475).
10 Ex incursu: in allusion to St. Paul's sudden conversion, Acts ix. 3-8. [On St. Paul's Epistles, see p. 324, supra.]
11 Marcion is frequently called "Ponticus Nauclerus," probably less on account of his own connection with a seafaring life, than that of his countrymen, who were great sailors. Comp. book. i. 18. (sub fin.) and book iii. 6. [pp. 284, 325.]
14 Quis illum tituli charactere percusserit.
18 Ne illius probetur, i.e., to the Catholic, for Marcion did not admit all St. Paul's espistles (Semler).
19 Omnia apostolatus ejus instrumenta.
26 Gen. xlix. 27, Septuagint, the latter clause being kai\ ei0j to\ e9spe/raj di/dwsi trofh/n.
28 Non aliud portendebat quam.
31 Although St. Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles, Marcion does not seem to have admitted this book into his New Testament. "It is clearly excluded from his catalogue, as given by Epiphanius. The same thing appears from the more ancient authority of Tertullian, who begins his Book v. against Marcion with showing the absurdity of his conduct in rejecting the history and acts of the apostles, and yet receiving St. Paul as the chief of the apostles, whose name is never mentioned in the Gospel with the other apostles, and yet receiving St. Paul as the chief of the apostles, especially since the account given by Paul himself in Gal. i.-ii. confirms the account which we have in the Acts. But the reason why he rejected this book is (As Tertullian says) very evident, since from it we can plainly show that the God of the Christians and the God of the Jews, or the Creator, was the same being and that Christ was sent by Him, and by no other" (Lardner's Works, Hist. of Heretics, chap. x. sec. 41).
33 Inde te a defensione ejus expello.
34 An insinuation that Marcion's defence of Paul was, in fact, a calumny of the apostle.
38 In ipso gradu praescriptionis.
39 Oportere docere...sapere...velle.
42 Nullum alium deum circumlatum.
44 Marcion only received ten of St. Paul's epistles, and these altered by himself.
46 See above, in book l. chap. xx., also in book iv. chap. i.
47 Comp. Isa. xliii. 18, 19, and lxv. 17, with 2 Cor. v. 17.
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