10 Patrocinio coactae figurae.
12 "Quid enim aliud est simulachrum nisi falsum?" (Rigalt.)
16 Facili caritati. Oehler, after Fr. Junius, gives, however, this phrase a subjective turn thus: "by affecting a charity which is easy to them, costing nothing."
21 In the original the phrase is put passively: "malim eam partem meliori sumi vitio."
22 How terse is the original! minus sapere quam pejus.
26 Tertullian's words are rather suggestive of sense than of syntax: "Pueros vocem qui crucem clamant?"
27 Secundum Deum: "according to God's will."
28 1 Cor. xiv. 20, where Tertullian renders the tai=j fresi/ (A.V. "understanding") by "sensibus."
35 By this remark it would seem that Tertullian read sundry passages in his Latin Bible similarly to the subsequent Vulgate version. For instance, in Zech. vi. 12, the prophet's words w$m#$; hmac' #$y)i-hn%Ehi
("Behold the Man, whose name is the Branch", are rendered in the Vulgate, "Ecce Vir Oriens nomen ejus." Similarly in Zech. iii. 8, "Servum meum adducam Orientem." (Compare Luke i. 78, where the 'Anatoln\ e0c u#youj ("the day-spring from on high") is in the same version "Oriens ex alto.")
36 Or, perhaps, "whom it (nature) feels in all its works."
38 Alloquin a turba eorum et aliam frequentiam suadere: which perhaps is best rendered, "But from one rabble of gods to frame and teach men to believe in another set," etc.
41 These were child's stories at Carthage in Tertullian's days.
42 Apostoli spiritus: see 1 Tim. i. 4.
45 Totius conscientiae illorum.
52 Regularum: the particulars of his system. [Here comes in the word, borrowed from heresy, which shaped Monasticism in after times and created the regular orders.]
53 Nec unitatem, sed diversitatem: scil. appellant.
57 [See vol. I. pp. 171, 182, this series].
58 In a good sense, from the elegance of his style.
59 [See Vol. I. p. 326, of this series. Tertullian appropriates the work of Irenaeus, (B. i.) against the Gnostics without further ceremony: translation excepted.]
60 Dignitas. [Of this Proculus see Kaye, p. 55.]
66 Or stormed perhaps; expugnatio is the word.
67 Delibatione transfunctoria.
75 This is perhaps a fair rendering of "Insulam Feliculam credas tanta tabulata coeorum, nescio ubi." "Insula" is sometimes "a detached house." It is difficult to say what "Felicula" is; it seems to be a diminutive of Felix. It occurs in Arrian's Epictetica as the name of a slave.
76 We follow Tertullian's mode of designation all through. He, for the most part, gives the Greek names in Roman letters, but not quite always.
77 Expostulo: "I postulate as a first principle."
78 Tertullian is responsible for this Latin word amongst the Greek names. The strange mixture occurs often.
87 We everywhere give Tertullian's own names, whether of Greek form or Latin. On their first occurrence we also give their English sense.
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