124 e0le/gxh.

125 a0rxhge/thn.

126 sugdo/yai ta\j polemida\j h9mw=n logika\j maxai/raj kai\ u0bristika\j ei0j a!rotra, kai\ ta\j kata\ to\ pro/teron h9mw=n ma/ximon zibu/naj ei0j dre/pana metaskeuazomen.

127 Cf. Isa. ii. 4.

128 Cf. Jer. xvi. 19 and xiv. 22: w0j yeudh= e0kth/santo oi9pate/rej h9mw=n ei!dwla, kai\ ou\k e!stin e0n au0toi=j u9etti/zwn.

129 Cf. Herodot., ii. 18.

130 o9 de\ Ammwn ou0de/n ti kaki/wn diapresbeu=sai ta\ daimo/nia, h$ oi9 'Ioudai/wn a!ggeloi.

131 eu0fhmei=n min e0ke/leuon.

132 Cf. Herodot., iii. 38.

133 ge/loioj a@n ei!h filo/sofoj a0filo/sofa pra/ttwn.

134 fusiologi/an.

135 presbu/taton pa/ntwn tw=n dhmiourghma/twn.

136 Cf. Gen. i. 26.

137 This sentence is regarded by Guietus as an interpolation, which should be struck out of the text.

138 i>\na do/c meta\ tw=n a9tele/stwn teletwsn, kai\ tw=n kalonsw=n dai/monaj magganeiw=n, ou0x u0po\ a0galmatopoiw=n mo/nwn kataskena/zesqai qeo\j, a0lla0 kai\ u9po\ ma/gwn, kai\ farmakw=n, kai\ tw=n e0pw|dai=j au0tw=n khloume/nwn daimo/nwn.

139 h9me/rw|.

140 me0trion.

141 ou0 ga\r para\ to\ qhluko\n o!noma, kai\ th=| ou0si/a| qh/leian nomiste/on ei\nai thn sofi/an, kai\ th\n dikaiosu/nhn.

142 Cf. 1 Cor. i. 30.

143 Cf. Herodot., i. 131.

144 oi[on dh/ tina maka/rwn xw/ran laxou=sin.

145 xoro/j.

146 [Note this eulogy on the law, even though it "made nothing perfect."]

147 u9pe\r ta\ sw/mata.

148 sumplhrw/sei tou= lo/gou.

149 to\n a0po\ tw=n au0tw=n o9rw/menon dogma/twn.

150 Cf. Ex. xxi. 2 and Jer. xxxiv. 14. [An important comment on Mosaic servitude.]

151 Cf. Ps. cxlviii. 4, 5.

152 o#ti h9 tw=n o0nma/twn fu/sij ou0 qeme/nwn ei0si\ no/moi.

153 metalamba/netai ga/r ti, fer' ei0pei=n. In the editions of Hoeschel and Spencer, ti is wanting.

154 o0 qeo\j patro\j e0klektou= th=j h0gou=j, kai\ o9 qeo\j tou= ge/lwtoj, kai\ o9 qeo\j tou= pternistou. Cf. note in Benedictine ed.

155 [Note the bearing of this chapter on the famous controversy concerning the Chinese renderings of God's name.]

156 [Note the bearing of this chapter on the famous controversy concerning the Chinese renderings of God's name.]

157 dikaiosu/nh.

158 i0diopragi/an tw=n merw=n th=j yuxh=j.

159 a0ndrei/a.

160 tou= qumikou= me/rouj th=j yuxh=j fa/skontoj au0to\ ei\nai a0reth\n, kai\ a0pota/ssontoj au0th|= to\n peri\ to\n qw/raka.

161 Cf. Ex. iv. 24, 25. Eliezer was one of the two sons of Moses. Cf. Ex. xviii. 4.

162 e0nergei=n kata\ Mwu>\se/wj.

163 Cf. Ex. iv. 25, 26.

164 kata\ tw=n e0n th|= qeosebei/a| tan/th| peritemnome/nwn du/amij. Boherellus inserts mh\ before peritemnome/nwn,, which has been adopted in the text.

165 Gal. v. 2.

166 Cf. Acts x. 14.

167 kai/ tij fi/lon ui9o/n a0ei/raj, sfa/cei e0peuxo/menoj me/ga nh/pioj. - A verse of Empedocles, quoted by Plutarch, de Superstitione, c. xii. Spencer. Cf. note in loc. in Benedictine edition.

168 Cf. 1 Cor. ix. 27.

169 Cf. Col. iii. 5.

170 Cf. Rom. viii. 13.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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