76 tou\j xarieste/rouj.

77 paleu/omen. [See note supra, p. 482. S.]

78 Cf. 1 Cor. i. 26.

79 w0j perihxhqei\j taj peri\ tapeinofrosu/nhj.

80 mh\ e0pimelw=j au0th\n noh/saj.

81 eu0qei/a perai/nei kata\ fu/sin paraporeuo/menoj.

82 Plato, de s1.v4.a4.w5.b6.fLegibus, iv. p. 716.

83 Ps. cxxxi. 1, 2 (LXX.). The clause, "If I had not been humble," seems to belong to the following verse.

84 th= i0diwtei/a|.

85 th= i0diwtei/a|.

86 dia\ to\n i0diwtismo/n.

87 Cf. Phil. ii. 6, 8.

88 Cf. Matt. xi. 20.

89 Cf. Matt. xix. 24.

90 Cf. Plato, de Legibus, v. p. 473.

91 Cf. Matt. xiii. 54, Mark vi. 2, and John vii. 15.

92 Cf. Matt. vii. 14.

93 Cf. Ps. xviii. 11.

94 Cf. Ex. xx. 21.

95 Cf. Ex. xxiv. 2.

96 Cf. Ps. civ. 6.

97 Cf. Matt. xi. 27.

98 a0ge/nhton. Locus diligenter notandus, ubi Filius e creaturarum numero diserte eximitur, dum a0ge/nhtoj dicitur. At non dissimulandum in unico Cod. Anglicano secundo legi: to\n gennhto/n: cf. Origenianorum, lib. ii. Quaestio 2, num. 23. - Ruaeus.

99 [Bishop Bull, in the Defensio Fidei Nicenoe, book ii. cap. ix. 9, says, "In these words, which are clearer than any light, Origen proves the absolutely divine and uncreated nature of the Son." S.]

100 o! ti pot' a@n xwrh= gignw/skein. Boherellus proposes o#stij pot: a@n xwrh=, etc.

101 Cf. Plato, Epist., ii., ad Dionys.

102 Cf. Isa. vi. 2.

103 Cf. Ezek. i. and x.

104 Ps. cxlviii. 4.

105 Cf. Plato in Phiedro, p. 247.

106 Cf. 2 Cor. iv. 17, 18.

107 Cf. John xiv. 3.

108 pro\j a!kroij toi=j ou0ranoi=j.

109 potamou\j tw=n qewrh/matwwn.

110 For o#son ge Boherellus proposes o@soi ge, which is adopted in the translation.

111 Cf. 1 Cor. xiii. 12.

112 Cf. 1 Cor. xiii. 10.

113 [Bishop Pearson, in his Exposition of the Creed, Art. IX., notes that "Origen for the most part speaks of the Church in the plural number," ai\ e0kklhsi/ai. S.]

114 [But see 2 Cor. xii. 2, and also Irenaeus, vol. i. p. 405.]

115 Cf. Plato in Timaeo, p. 42.

116 Cf. Gen. xxviii. 12, 13.

117 e0pesthrigme/non.

118 th=j te a0planou=j.

119 kli/mac i9i/puloj. Boherellus conjectures e9pta/puloj.

120 kerastou= nomi/smatoj.

121 th/n xalkoba/thn kai\ ster0r9a/n.

122 tlh/mona ga\r e!rgwn a9pa/ntwn, kai\ xrhmatisth/n, kai\ polu/kmnton ei\nai, to/n te si/dhron kai\ to\n 'Ermh=n.

123 th=j loiph=j u#lhj. For u#lhj, another reading is pu/lhj.

124 For w9j e0kei/noij a0rkei=sqai, Spencer introduced into his text, ou0d' e0kei/noij a0rkei=sqai, which has been adopted in the translation.

125 e0n oi[j polloi\ semnu/nontai.

126 a0po\ th=j sugklh/tou boulh=j.

127 Cf. Ezek. xlviii.

128 e0pi\ ta\ krei/ttona.

129 Cf. Rev. xxi.

130 qewrh/mata.

131 [Vol. i. p. 354, this series.]

132 "Utinam exstaret! Multum enim lucis procul dubio antiquissimorum Patrum libris, priscae ecclesiae temporibus, et quibusdam sacrae Scripturae locis, accederet." - Spencer.

133 kata\ to\ filomaqe\j h\mw=n.

134 Cf. 2 Tim. iii. 6, 7.

135 Cf. note in Spencer's edition.

136 pai/gnion.

137 Cf. Ps. civ. 24-26.

138 Cf. Mal. iii. 2, 3.

139 xwneuome/nwn.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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