140 pou=.

141 Cf. Zech. v. 7

142 [See Dean Plumptre's The Spirits in Prison, on "The Universalism of Origen," p. 137, et seqq. S.]

143 ma/thn e0kkei/mena.

144 a0llo/kota kai\ a0moibai/aj fwna/j.

145 a0rxontikw=n.

146 ou0k eu!gnwmon a0lla/ . . . pa/nu a0gnwmone/staton.

147 fu/rwn de\ ta\ pra/gmata.

148 sune/drion.

149 me/trioj ta\ h!qh.

150 a0rxhgou= tw=n kalw=n.

151 'Ofia=noi: cf. Irenaeus, vol. i. pp. 354-358.

152 th\n eu0te/leian a0gaph/saj.

153 a0po\ th=j pantelou=j a0kthmosu/nhj.

154 "Euphraten hujus haeresis auctorem solus Origenes tradit." - Spencer; cf. note in Spencer's edition.

155 a0naisqh/tou.

156 Boherellus proposes fh=j for the textual reading fhsi/.

157 kai\ toi=j profh/taij e0mpne/onta.

158 o#tan de\ ta\ e0nanti/a o\ do\j dida/skaloj 'Ihsou=j, kai\ o9 'Ioudai/wn Mwu>\sh=j, nomoqeth=.

159 yuxiko/n.

160 Cf. Spencer's note, as quoted in Benedictine edition.

161 "Nescio, an haeresium Scriptores hujus Thauthabaoth, Erataoth, Thaphabaoth, Onoeles, et Thartharaoth, usquam meminerint. Hujus generis vocabula innumera invenies apud Epiphan., Haer., 31, quae est Valentinianorum, pp. 165-171." - Spencer.

162 fragmo\n kaki/aj.

163 pu/laj a0rxo/ntwn ai0w=ni dedeme/naj.

164 mono/tropon.

165 lh/qhn a0peri/skepron.

166 'Ogdoa/doj. Cf. Tertullian, de Praescript. adv. Haereticos, cap. xxxiii. (vol. iii. p. 259), and other references in Benedictine ed.

167 Fai/nwn. "Ea, quae Saturni stella dicitur, Gai/nwn que a Graecis dicitur." - Cicero, de Nat. Deorum, book ii. c. 20.

168 sumpaqei=n.

169 nuktofah/j.

170 penta/di dunatwte/ra|.

171 mu/sthn.

172 xa/pin kruptome/nhn duna/mesin e0cousiw=n.

173 For dataluqi\n Boherellus conjectures kataylufqe/n, which has been adopted in the translation.

174 fantasi/aj.

175 a0patew/nwn.

176 ei0j ta\j a0rxontika\j morfa/j.

177 Guietus thinks that some word has been omitted here, as ci/foj, which seems very probable.

178 to\ th=j a0tele/stou teleth=j pe/raj.

179 a0por0r9oi/aj.

180 a0po\ cu/lou.

181 Eccles. i. 6. (literally rendered). [Modern science demonstrates this physical truth.]

182 kata\ th\n peplanhue/nhn e9autwn sofi/an.

183 yuxiko\n dhmiwurgo/n.

184 ou0k akgennw=j.

185 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 25, 26.

186 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 54; cf. Hos. xiii. 14.

187 ka/qodon stunh/n.

188 Cf. Ps. cxviii. 19, 20.

189 Cf. Ps. ix. 13, 14.

190 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 22.

191 [See note supra, p. 582. S.]

192 Cf., however, Mark vi. 3. [Some mss., though not of much value, have the reading here (Mark vi. 3), "Is not this the carpenter's son, the son of Mary?" Origen seems to have so read the evangelist. See Alford, in loc. S.]

193 au0to/qen.

194 a!rxontaj.

195 a!lla te, kai\ du/o a!tta, mei=zon te kai\ mikro/teron ui9ou= kai\ patpo/j.

196 For a!llouj, the textual reading, Gelenius, with the approval of Boherellus, proposes kai\ a!llou sugkeime/nou, which has been followed in the translation.

197 e0pi\ toi=j au0toi=j u9pokeime/noij.

198 Cf. Herodot., iv. 59.

199 poi/a ga\r piqano/thj.

200 For the textual reading, ou!pw de\ ou0de\ peri\ twn loipw=n tau0to/n ti e0rei=, Boherellus conjectures ei!rhtai, which has been adopted in the translation.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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