256 peri\ nohtw=n kai\ ai0sqhtw=n.

257 ai9 fu/seij tw=n h9merw=n.

258 e0n katasta/sei e!sesqai h9me/raj.

259 Cf. Isa. lx. 19.

260 eu0ktikw=j.

261 w9j e0n a0llotri/oij toi=j th=de.

262 makra\n xaire/twsan.

263 periora=|.

264 Cf. bk. v. cap. liv.

265 The textual reading is, a0po/ tinwn eu0telw=j kai\ i0diwtikw=j, for which Ruaeus reads, a0po/ tinwn eu0telw=n kai\ i0diwtikw=n, which emendation has been adopted in the translation.

266 oi9onei\ qaumastikw=j.

267 a0klh/rwn.

268 skuba/lwn.

269 te/xnhn.

270 e0k parakolouqh/sewj gege/nhtai th=j pro\j ta\ prohgou/mena.

271 Cf. Ps. xxxiv. 10-14.

272 Cf. Gal. i. 4.

273 Cf. Eph. v. 16.

274 kataxrhstikw/teron.

275 Cf. Job ii. 10.

276 Cf. Isa. xlv. 7.

277 Cf. Mic. i. 12, 13. The rendering of the Heb. in the first clause of the thirteenth verse is different from that of the LXX.

278 par0r9hssi/an e!xein.

279 u#foj.

280 o0li/ga must be taken comparatively, on account of the polla/j that follows afterwards.

281 polla/j. See note 11.

282 ta\ e9likoeidh= ce0smata kai\ pri/smata.

283 ta\ parakei/mena.

284 po/nouj.

285 Cf. Mic. i. 12.

286 Cf. Ps. lxxxix. 32.

287 Cf. Isa. xlvii. 14, 15 (LXX.).

288 Cf. Isa. xlv. 7.

289 to\ kai\ e0pitugxa/nein e0n tw=| nouqetoume/nw| kai\ a0kou/ein to\n tou= dida/skontoj lo/gon.

290 w9sperei\ tw=n kaloume/nwn a0ntipeponqo/twn e0sti/n.

291 a0na/logon tw= kei/resqai a!nqrwpon, e0nergou=nta to\ pare/xein e9auto\n tw=| kei/ronti.

292 perqou=j dhmiourgw=n.

293 Cf. Gal. v. 8.

294 Cf. Isa. i. 19, 20.

295 Cf. Deut. x. 12, 13.

296 e0nequmh/qh, in all probability a corruption for e0qumw/qh, which Hoeschel places in the text, and Spencer in the margin of his ed.: Heb. Mheg%w@Iw

297 e0nequmh/qhn. Cf. remark in note 2.

298 Cf. Gen. vi. 5-7.

299 Cf. Plato in Timoeo.

300 ko/smoj.

301 to\n peri/geion to/pon.

302 Cf. John i. 9.

303 Cf. John xvi. 33.

304 Cf. 2 Cor. iv. 18.

305 Cf. Rom. i. 20.

306 e0rhreisme/nhj.

307 th=de ferome/nou.

308 Cf. Ps. xxxiii. 9.

309 ton prosexw=j dhmiourgo/n.

310 au0tourgo/n.

311 sunagwga/j.

312 ta\ u9po\ mo/nhj fu/sewj dioikou/mena.

313 ta\ nhkta/.

314 Cf. Gen. ii. 4.

315 [sunete/lesen, complevit. S.]

316 kate/pausen.

317 kate/pausen.

318 Cf. Gen. ii. 2, 3.

319 a0nepau/sato.

320 tw=n e0piballo/ntwn.

321 ou0 qe/mij.

322 xeirourgei=n.

323 Cf. Ps. xix. 1.

324 Cf. Ps. cii. 25.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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