15 See Matt. xix. 17; Mark x. 18; Luke xviii. 19.

16 See Ex. xxxiv. 6, 7.

17 Hos. vi. 6; Mic. vi. 8; Matt. ix. 13, xii. 7.

18 Ezek. xviii. 23, 32, xxxiii. 11.

19 1 Tim. iv. 10.

20 1 John iii. 1, 2.

21 Luke vi. 36.

22 Matt. v. 9.

23 Comp. Matt. x. 8; but the reference seems to be to Eph. iv. 32, where the Vulgate reads almost as Tertullian does, "donantes invicem, sicut et Deus in Christo donavit vobis."

24 Matt. vii. 1; Luke vi. 37.

25 Comp. Rom. xiv. 4.

26 Comp. Luke vi. 37.

27 See Rom. xi. 22.

28 Comp. Isa. xlv. 21; Rom. iii. 26.

29 Comp. Job v. 18; Deut. xxxii. 39.

30 Isa. xlv. 7.

31 Jer. xiv. 11, 12, vii. 16, xi. 14.

32 Jer. xi. 14.

33 Jer. vii. 16.

34 Comp. Ex. xx. 5, xxxiv. 14; Deut. iv. 24, v. 9, vi. 15; Josh. xxiv. 19; Nahum i. 2.

35 Gal. vi. 7.

36 Comp. Rom. xv. 5; Ps. vii. 12 (in LXX.).

37 Isa. xlii. 14.

38 Comp. Ps. xcvii. 3.

39 Comp. Matt. x. 28; Luke xii. 4, 5.

40 Matt. vii. 2; Luke vi. 37.

41 Or rather incest, as appears by 1 Cor. v. 1.

42 1 Cor. v. 5.

43 See 1 Cor. vi. 1-6, v. 12.

44 Luke xi. 4.

45 Comp. John xx. 23.

46 1 John v. 16, not quite verbatim.

47 Matt. v. 9.

48 Job xxxii. 21; Lev. xix. 15, and the references there.

49 Comp. Isa. xliii. 18.

50 Comp. Luke ix. 62.

51 There is no passage, so far as I am aware, in Isaiah containing this distinct assertion. We have almost the exact words in Rev. xxi. 4. The reference may be to Isa. xlii. 9; but there the Eng. ver. reads, "are come to pass," and the LXX. have ta ap arxhj idou hkasi.

52 Comp. Jer. iv. 3 in LXX.

53 Comp. Phil. iii. 13.

54 Comp. Matt. xi. 13; Luke xvi. 16.

55 See Matt. v. 17.

56 See Acts xv. 10.

57 See Gal. ii. 4, v. 1, 13.

58 Ps. i. 1, briefly.

59 Ps. xix. 7: "perfect," Eng. ver. In LXX. it is xviii. 8.

60 Rom. vii. 12, not literally.

61 Rom. iii. 31.

62 Matt. v. 27, 28.

63 Matt. v. 21, 22.

64 See 1 Kings xxi. (in LXX. 3 Kings xx).

65 See 2 Sam. xi., xii. 1-13.

66 See Gen. xix. 30-38.

67 See Gen. xxxviii.

68 See Hos. i. 2, 3, iii. 1-3.

69 See Num. xxv. 1-9; 1 Cor. x. 8.

70 See Gen. iii. 6; and comp. 1 John ii. 16.

71 See Gen. iii. 7.

72 John i. 14.

73 Or, "chastity."

74 Comp. 2 Cor. v. 17.

75 1 Cor. xii. 27.

76 Ib. and vi. 15.

77 1 Cor. iii. 16, vi. 19.

78 Gal. iii. 27.

79 Comp. 1 Cor. vi. 20, and the references there.

80 Luke xv. 3-7.

81 Comp. John x. 27.

82 Comp. Acts xx. 28.

83 Comp. John x. 11.

84 Comp. Rom. iii. 29.

85 Luke xv. 8-10.

86 Comp. Ps. cxix. 105 (in LXX. cxviii. 105).

87 Comp. 1 John i. 5-7, ii. 8; also Rom. xiii. 12, 13; 1 Thess. v. 4, 5.

88 See Ezek. xxxiv. 1-4.

89 See Ex. iv. 22; Rom. ix. 4.

90 Comp. Isa. vi. 9.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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