48 i.e., Hercules.

49 Or, "which are now attributed to Novius." Novius was a writer of that kind of farce called "Atellanae favulae;" and one of his farces - or one attributed to him in Tertullian's day - was called "The Fullers."

50 i.e., cynical; comp. de Pa., c. ii. ad init.

51 i.e., Domitian, called by Juv. calvum Neronem, Sat. iv, 38.

52 Alexander.

53 Comp. de Idol., c. viii. med.

54 i.e., one who affects Tyrian - dresses in Tyrian purple.

55 Empedocles (Salm. in Oehler).

56 I have adopted Oehler's suggestion, and inserted these words.

57 i.e., of Cloacina or Cluacina (= "the Purifier," a name of Venue; comp. White and Riddle), which Tertullian either purposely connects with "cloaca," a sewer (with which, indeed, it may be really connected, as coming derivatively from the same root), and takes to mean "the nymphs of the sewers" apparently.

58 The nymphs above named (Oehler).

59 i.e., are worn by his votaries.

60 i.e., Christianity. Cf. 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7.

61 Toga.

62 Or, "forcipes."

63 Of course the meaning is, "on the doffing of which a man congratulates himself more," etc.; but Tertullian as it were personifies the act of doffing, and represents it as congratulating the doffer; and I have scrupulously retained all his extravagances, believing them (in the present treatise at least) to be intentional.

64 A Cynic philosopher.

65 "Inhumano;" or, perhaps, "involving superhuman effort."

66 Oehler attempts to defend the common reading, "humerum velans exponit vel includit;" but the correction of Salmasius and Lud. de la Cerda which he quotes, "vel exponit," is followed in preference. If Oehler's reading be retained, we may render: "a covering for the shoulder, it exposes or encloses it at will."

67 i.e., the "shoeing" appropriate to the mantle will consist at most of sandals; "shoes" being (as has been said) suited to the gown.

68 "Erat." - Oehler, who refers to "errat" as the general reading, and (if adopted) renders: "This sentiment errs (Or wanders) in all directions;" making olim = passim.

69 Reckoning the 1000 sesterces at their pre-Augustan value, £8, 17s. 1d.

70 "Promulsis" - a tray on which the first course ("promulsis" or "antecoena") was served, otherwise called "promulsidare."

71 As Pliny (quoted by Oehler) tells us was the case.

72 Or, "adulterated."

73 Reckoning the 1000 sesterces at the post-Augustan value, £7, 16s. 3d.

74 Wordsworth's Greece, p. 263. London, 1839.

75 See vol. i. p. 160, this series.

76 But it was assuming a questionable point (See Kaye, p. 49) to give it this name in the title, and I have retained it untranslated.

77 See note on p. 160 of vol. i., this series.

78 See his valuable and exhaustive treatise, the Vestiarium Christianum, especially pp. 73, 125, 233, 490. Also, for the Gallicanum, p. 204 and Appendix E., with pp. 210, 424. For the Graecum, pp. xii. (note), xv. 73, 127, 233.

1 [Written about a.d. 202. See Kaye, p. 56.]

1 Comp. Heb. viii. 11; Jer. xxxi. 34 (in the LXX. it is xxxviii. 34).

2 Satisfactionis.

3 Comp. Gen. iii. 16, in Eng. ver. and in LXX.

4 Saeculo.

5 Resignatrix. Comp. the phrase "a fountain sealed" in Cant. iv. 12.

6 "Suasisti" is the reading of the mss.; "persuasisti," a conjectural emendation adopted by Rig.

7 See Gen. iii. 21.

8 Rerum.

9 i.e., Chinese.

10 Comp. with this chapter, de Idol., c. ix.; de Or., c. xxii.; de Cult. Fem., l. ii. c. x.; de Virg. Vel., c. vii.

11 Saeculo.

12 Curiositatem. Comp. de Idol., c. ix., and Acts xix. 19.

13 Quo oculorum exordia producuntur. Comp. ii. 5.

14 "Jam," i.e., without going any farther. Comp. c. iv. et seqq.

15 Sicut. But Pam. and Rig. read "sive."

16 i.e., the angelic lovers.

17 Comp. Rev. ii. 5.

18 See 1 Cor. vi. 3.

19 Comp. de Idol., c. vi.

20 Comp. 2 Cor. vi. 14-16.

21 See Matt. xxii. 30; Mark xii. 25; Luke xx. 35, 36; and comp. Gal. iii. 28.

22 [Elucidation.]

23 Comp. de Idol., c. iv.

24 See Gen. v. 21, 25, 28, 29.

25 "Nomine;" perhaps = "account."

26 Comp. Gen. vi. 8.

27 Praedicatis.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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