63 I have followed Oehler's "face" for the common "phase;" but what the meaning is I will not venture to decide. It may probably mean one of two things: (a) that Paul wrote by torchlight; (b) that the light which Paul holds forth in his life and writings, is a torch to show the Corinthians and others Christ.

64 i.e., the legal passover, "image" or type of "the true Passover," Christ. See 1 Cor. v. 6-9.

65 Abraham. See Gen. xxii. 1-19.

66 Isaac, a pledge to Abraham of all God's other promises.

67 Forte. I suppose this means out of the ordinary course of nature; but it is a strange word to use.

68 Israel, wasted by the severities of their Egyptian captivity.

69 "Multa;" but "muta" = "mute" has been suggested, and is not inapt.

70 I have given what appears to be a possible sense for these almost unintelligible lines. They run as follows in Oehler: -

I rather incline to alter them somehow thus : -

connecting these three lines with "non ignorantes," and rendering: -

That is, in brief, they all, in celebrating the type, looked forward to the Antitype to come.

71 Immensus.

72 This, again, seems to be the meaning, unless the passage (which is not probable) be corrupt. The flesh, "foul" now with sin, is called the "stained image of the Lord," as having been originally in His image, but being now stained by guilt.

73 Faith is called so, as being the reflection of divine reason.

74 i.e., the praise of Christ Himself. See Matt. xi. 7-15, with the parallel passage, Luke vii. 24-30; comp. also John v. 33-35.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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