164 "Aras" should probably be "aram."

165 See 2 Kings (in LXX. 4 Kings) i. 9-12.

166 For "transgressas et avia fecit," I read "transgressus avia fecit," taking "transgressus" as a subst.

167 Sortis.

168 Sortem.

169 Our author has somewhat mistaken Elisha's mission apparently; for as there is a significant difference in the meaning of their respective names, so there is in their works: Elijah's miracles being rather miracles of judgment, it has been remarked; Elisha's, of mercy.

170 The reference is to a famine in Elisha's days, which - 2 Kings (in LXX. 4 Kings) viii. i. - was to last seven years; whereas that for which Elijah prayed, as we learn in Jas. v. 17., lasted three and six months. But it is not said that Elisha prayed for that famine.

171 We only read of one leprosy which Elisha cleansed - Naaman's. He inflicted leprosy on Gehazi, which was "to cleave to him and to his seed for ever."

172 Praestata viam vitae atque probata per ipsam est. I suspect we should read "via," quantity being of no importance with our author, and take "praetestata" as passive: "The way of life was testified before, and proved, through him."

173 This seems to be the meaning, and the reference will then be to Jer. xxxiv. 8-22 (in LXX. xli. 8-22); but the punctuation both in Oehler and Migne makes nonsense, and I have therefore altered it.

174 See the apocryphal "Susanna."

175 For "servatisque palam cunctis in pace quievit," which the edd. give, I suggest "servatusque," etc., and take "palam" for governing "cunctis."

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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