1 Possibly as late as a.d. 230. Comp. Wordsworth, Hippol., p. 126.

2 A condensed and valuable view of this matter may be seen in Dr. Schaff's History, etc., vol. iii. pp. 834-841.

3 See Bishop Jewell, Works, vol. i. pp. 386, 441. Cambridge, 1845.

4 Vol. I. of this series, pp. 23, 24. See also Bunsen, Hippol., i. p. 244.

5 De Viris Illustribus, c. 58.

6 [His connection with the Roman courts is inferred from cap. ii. infra.]

7 Milman's Hist. of Christianity, vol. iii. book iv. ch. iii.

8 [Dr. Wallis, the learned translator of the Octavius, is described in the Edinburgh edition as "Senior Priest-Vicar of Wells Cathedral, and incumbent of Christ Church, Coxley, Somerset."]

1 [Sallust, Catiline, "Idem facere atque sentire," etc. Also, Catiline's speech, p. 6 of The Conspiracy.]

2 [Beautiful tribute to Christian friendship, in a primitive example. We must bear in mind that the story is of an earlier period than that of the work itself, written at Cirta.]

3 "Ita ut me ex tribus medium lateris ambitione protegerent."

4 The ms. and first edition read "more;" Ursinus suggested minus instead of magis.

5 This clause is otherwise read: "Therefore we must be indignant, nay, must be grieved."

6 Otherwise for "even," "except."

7 The reading of the ms. is "stuprari," as above. "Scrutari," "sciari," or "lustrare" and "suspicari," are proposed emendations.

8 Or, "although its weight may have established the earth."

9 Or, "although the moisture may have flowed into the sea."

10 Variously read, "is raised up," or "and is raised up." The ms. has "attollitur," which by some is amended into "et alitur," or "et tollitur."

11 Either "delectu" or "dilectu."

12 Or, "it is extolled."

13 "To think of rather than to know" in some texts.

14 Neander quotes this passage as illustrating the dissatisfied state of the pagan mind with the prevailing infidelity at that time.

15 Or, "the great mother" [i.e., Cybele. S.].

16 Or, "which another people, when angry, would have despised."

17 Otherwise, "the goddess mother."

18 Scil. Castor and Pollux.

19 Otherwise, "who breathless with horses foaming," etc.

20 Otherwise, "the offence of Jupiter, the renewal of the games," etc.

21 According to the codex, "the Milesian." [See note in Reeve's Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minucius Felix, vol. ii. p. 59. S.]

22 Some have corrected this word, reading "without consideration," scil. "inconsulte;" and the four first editions omit the subsequent words, "concerning the divinity."

23 There are various emendations of this passage, but their meaning is somewhat obscure. One is elaborately ingenious: "Ita illis pavorum fallax spes solatio redivivo blanditur," which is said to imply, "Thus the hope that deceives their fears, soothes them with the hope of living again."

24 Otherwise read "abominable."

25 This charge, as Oehler thinks, refers apparently to the kneeling posture in which penitents made confession before their bishop.

26 This calumny seems to have originated from the sacrament of the Eucharist.

27 Scil. Fronto of Cirta, spoken of again in ch. xxxi. [A recent very interesting discovery goes to show that our author was the chief magistrate of Cirta, in Algeria, from a.d. 210 to 217. See Schaff, vol. iii. p. 841.]

28 Otherwise, "no consecrated images."

29 Otherwise, "we are contained and bound together."

30 [These very accusations, reduced back to Christian language, show that much of the Creed was, in fact, known to the heathen at this period.]

31 [1 Tim. iv. 7.]

32 "And I have already shown, without any trouble," is another reading.

33 Otherwise, "without a body or with."

34 Otherwise, "too credulous."

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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