167 Rom. ix. 11, 12.

168 The text runs, "Respondet sibi ipse, et ait," on which Ruaeus remarks that the sentence is incomplete, and that "absit" probably should be supplied. This conjecture has been adopted in the translation.

169 Rom. viii. 20, 21.

170 2 Tim. ii. 20.

171 2 Tim. ii. 21.

172 [Elucidation I.]

173 1 Cor. xv. 44: natural, animale (yuxikon).

174 1 Cor. xv. 39-42.

175 Isa. l. 11.

176 1 Cor. iii. 12.

177 Intemperies.

178 Rom. ii. 15, 16.

179 Aurigine [aurugine]. Deut. xxviii.

180 Cf. Jer. xxv. 15, 16.

181 Cf. Jer. xxv. 28, 29.

182 Isa. iv. 4.

183 Isa. xlvii. 14, 15; vid. note, chap. v. §3 [p. 280, supra. S].

184 Isa. x. 17, cf. lxvi. 16.

185 Cf. Mal. iii. 3.

186 Repromissionibus.

187 Carnes.

188 Matt. xxvi. 29.

189 Matt. v. 6.

190 Cf. Luke xix. 19 and 17.

191 Cf. Prov. ix. 1-5.

192 Opera probablilia.

193 Deut. viii. 3.

194 The passage is somewhat obscure, but the rendering in the text seems to convey the meaning intended.

195 Versatur in sensu.

196 Luke xix. 26; cf. Matt. xxv. 29.

197 Phil. i. 23.

198 Virtutes.

199 Eph. ii. 2. There is an evident omission of some words in the text, such as, "They will enter into it," etc.

200 1 Thess. iv. 17.

201 John xvii. 24.

202 Virtutem suae conditionis. Seine Schopferkraft (Schnitzer).

203 In id: To that state of the soul in which it gazes purely on the causes of things.

1 Diebus quadragesimae.

2 Daemones.

3 Evangelicae lucernae lumine diabolicas ignorantiae tenebras.

4 Salvâ fidei Catholicae regula. [This remonstrance of Rufinus deserves candid notice. He reduces the liberties he took with his author to two heads: (1) omitting what Origen himself contradicts, and (2) what was interpolated by those who thus vented their own heresies under a great name. "To our own belief," may mean mean what is contrary to the faith, as reduced to technical formula, at Nicaea; i.e., Salva regula fidei. Note examples in the parallel columns following.]

5 Comoediarum ridiculas fabulas.

6 The whole of this chapter has been preserved in the original Greek, which is literally translated in corresponding portions on each page, so that the differences between Origen's own words and amplifications and alterations of the paraphrase of Rufinus may be at once patent to the reader.

7 peri tou autecousiou.

8 Natura ipsius arbitrii voluntatisque.

9 thn ennoian autou anaptucai.

10 Quaecunque hujusmodi sunt, quae solo habitu materiae suae vel corporum constant.

11 Non tamen animantia sunt.

12 Phantasia.

13 Voluntas vel sensus.

14 Mella, ut aiunt, aeria congregandi. Rufinus seems to have read, in the original, aeroplastein instead of khroplastein, - an evidence that he followed in general the worst readings (Redepenning).

15 upo ecewj monhj.

16 fantasiaj.

17 fusewj fantastikhj.

18 kai oudenoj allou meta thn fantastikhn autou fusin pepisteumenou tou zwou.

19 Ordinatior quidem motus.

20 Incentivo quodam et naturali motu.

21 poswj.

22 para taj aformaj.

23 Ita ut etiam verisimilibus quibusdam causis intra cordis nostri tribunalia velut judici residenti ex utrâque parte adhiberi videatur assertio, ut causis prius expositis gerendi sententia de rationis judicio proferatur.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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