24 Causa ei perfecta et absoluta vel necessitas praevaricandi.

25 dia tasde taj piqanothtaj.

26 hskhkoti.

27 egguj ge tou bebaiwqhnai gegenhmenoj.

28 Naturalem corporis intemperiem; uilhn thn kataskeuhn.

29 Contra rationem totius eruditionis. In the Greek, "contra rationem" is expressed by para to enargej esti: and the words logou paideutikou (rendered by Rufinus "totius eruditionis," and connected with "contra rationem") belong to the following clause.

30 Quibus nihil ad turpitudinem deest.

31 paraxarattein.

32 yilhn thn kataskeuhn.

33 logou paideutikou.

34 hmerothtoj

35 ecetasthn.

36 Mic. vi. 8.

37 Deut. xxx. 15.

38 Isa. i. 19, 20.

39 Ps. lxxxi. 13, 14.

40 Matt. v. 39.

41 Matt. v. 39.

42 Matt. v. 28.

43 Matt. vii. 24.

44 Matt. vii. 26.

45 Matt. xxv. 34 sq.

46 The words in the text are: His qui secundum patientiam boni operis, gloria et incorruptio, qui quaerunt vitam eternam.

47 Rom. ii. 4-10.

48 Mic. vi. 8.

49 Cf. Deut. xxx. 15, 16, cf. 19.

50 Isa. i. 19, 20.

51 Ps. lxxxi. 13, 14.

52 Matt. v. 39.

53 Matt. v. 39.

54 Matt. v. 28.

55 eulogwj.

56 Cf. Matt. vii. 26.

57 Matt. xxv. 34.

58 Matt. xxv. 41.

59 dialegetai.

60 Rom. ii. 4-10.

61 Secundum pietatis reuglam.

62 Ex. iv. 21, etc.

63 Ezek. xi. 19, 20.

64 Justificationes.

65 The word "now" is added, as the term "flesh" is frequently used in the New Testament in a bad sense (Redepenning).

66 Mark iv. 12.

67 Rom. ix. 16.

68 Phil. ii. 13.

69 Rom. ix. 18 sq.

70 Ex. iv. 21, cf. vii. 3.

71 Ezek. xi. 19, 20.

72 Cf. Mark iv. 12 and Luke viii. 10.

73 Rom. ix. 16.

74 Cf. Phil. ii. 13.

75 Gal. v. 8.

76 Rom. ix. 20, 21.

77 Rom. ix. 18.

78 Obstupefactus.

79 Naturaliter.

80 Commentitias fabulas introducunt.

81 Cf.Rom. ix. 18.

82 xrhzei de autou o Qeoj ... epi pleion apeiqountoj.

83 Quid faciente vel quid prospiciente.

84 Prospectus et intuitus Dei. Such is the rendering of ennoia by Rufinus.

85 Ex. ix. 17, cf. xi. 5 and xii. 12.

86 ennoian.

87 Cf. Ex. iv. 23 and ix. 17.

88 Cf. Ex. xii. 12.

89 eugnwmonh.

90 tranwj.

91 apograyamenoj tij gumnh th kefalh istato proj to ponhron einai ton dhmiourgan.

92 Heb. vi. 7, 8.

93 Ex personâ imbrium.

94 Dure.

95 Bonitas et aequitas imbrium.

96 Propositum.

97 energeia.

98 dia to thj kakiaj upokeimenon tou par eautoiskakou.

99 Heb. vi. 7, 8.

100 dusfhmon.

101 Limum.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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